prologue - awsten

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thursday morning, the person known as awsten had managed to convince themself that everyone else on the planet disappeared. it's an agonisingly quiet trip to the london city airport in their uber, the hiss of their own breath slipping past chapped lips and the dry rustle of denim on car seat. if things had been different, if awsten had not said anything the night before on call, they would be more than excited to get home to ciara after hanging with jawn in london for a month. they would be talking the driver's ear off about their girlfriend, texting her that they were on their way to the airport, asking if she wanted any over priced merch from a shop. maybe ask if she wanted to facetime before awsten had to board. they would be feeling every positive emotion, but awsten feels nothing. numb, numb, numb.

they smacked their head lightly. the discord call had been fine, geoff was discussing the state of his leg, the group was going over song ideas. ciara was on face cam, a rare occurrence, just because awsten asked to see her haircut. she wasn't even in the band, but awsten wanted her there. the conversation steered when jawn, whom awsten was in a room across from at the time, joked that ciara was only with awsten for attention. everyone laughed and made jokes, but she wouldn't take it lightly. understandably so, whatever, and geoff defended ciara, jawn sent awsten a message privately asking why this is happening, and the whole chat erupted into an argument.

awsten was silent. their first mistake.

"babe—" ciara said. "can you please back me up here?"

"okay, hey. i love you, right? doesn't mean i can't think you're taking a joke too seriously. it isn't my dick, don't get fucked so hard." a laugh from awsten. their second mistake.

the call goes silent. ciara's face physically drops and geoff leaves call. jawn mutes himself, sends awsten a key smash with "YOURE GONNA GET KILLED" in dms. ciara leaves call.

the couple fought the rest of the night.

they went to bed pissed and now they're exiting the uber, upset and remorseful. it isn't until they get a call from jawn that awsten starts to get angry again. something about how they said the right thing, how they can stay in the uk a few more days until ciara comes to ber senses.

"no," argues the singer, looking for their terminal. "i shouldn't have to stay in another fucking country because my missus doesn't want to admit she can't take a joke!"

jawn congratulates them on standing up for themself, call ends. they have some texts from geoff saying ciara is staying with him for the day if they wonder why she's not home.

the plane ride makes awsten feel like an empty vending machine. they can't sleep the entire time and takes a ride from the lax to their apartment in another uber, kind of pissed. ciara was supposed to pick them up. they were supposed to get something to eat and have a "welcome back!" celebration. when awsten walks into their shared bedroom and drops their bag, they turn on the light and see ciara fucking her friend, richard.

- 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆, ( the movie : the book. )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang