chapter three - awsten

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awsten considered their options.

1. they could ask him out. pros: he is really cute. colour in his cheeks when awsten compliments him. a good time. cons: awsten is pretty sure he wasn't happy to see them, and that they had band practice anyway. they couldn't cancel again.

2. they could call jawn and ask for a ride. pros: they could get the fuck out of there. cons: jawn was at work and never answered calls.

3. they could call geoff. his girlfriend is probably pregnant, though.

4. they could run away.

they were sitting low in their wooden chair, staring deep into the mug of plain black coffee and dreading the return of their waiter.

even if awsten did avoid him the rest of the day, he probably somehow knew about the instagram post. the blush in his cheeks said enough.

god, awsten thought. it was like the devil came out of the depths of hell just to suckerpunch them in the face, laugh at how absolutely horrible awsten was feeling in that exact moment. they had more than embarrassed themselves, they had probably embarrassed otto too. god, god, god.

the waiter — otto — probably hated awsten as much as awsten found him beautiful. it's torture.

awsten couldn't really tell at first if he was happy to see them or not, the smiling face and pinkened ears being a sign of something positive, but his voice dropped and he seemed annoyed as soon as awsten ordered a coffee.

was it their choice in coffee? they should've been adventurous, but they usually judge a place by it's black coffee to decide if it's worth returning. jawn had insisted on this diner one too many times, so awsten finally gave it a chance when geoff offered a ride on the way to pick up chloe from work.

whatever. the place had large windows that allowed the tennis ball haired awsten to stare at the clouds.

if they ever came again.

if otto didn't ban them from the establishment.

maybe it was better if they never came back, because that left little to no room for further self embarrassment in the form of stumbling over their own words and avoiding eye contact.

geoff hadn't texted awsten that he was on his way yet.

they were beginning to think that they were going to die there.

that would be such a beautiful tragedy. they'd die at the work place of a cute boy that hated them.

maybe that's a book. or a movie. awsten should check stephen king.

they should stop thinking so hard on the situation.

they always think too hard.

they begin scribbling on a napkin. their pink glitter gel pen stands out.

'from outer space, the streets look small.'

the melody fills their head as they continue writing a verse, then a pre chorus. they're not sure how to continue the song, but they're the sole songwriter of their unnamed band and they've been lacking inspiration.

lucky for otto, he is pretty and has gorgeous eyes and his aura is pink.

- 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆, ( the movie : the book. )Where stories live. Discover now