Chapter 12

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Muzan Pov

Zekram: So that's all you found?

Muzan: Yes.

3 days after returning from the Bermuda Triangle, my wounds were not fully healed after using World Suppression Fist, but it was enough to report to Zekram and the Four Satan. I gave the ring containing all the treasures I found, but I lied when I said that after that, Lucifer's lair was self-destroyed. I was able to hide from them the existence of Maleficent and my fight against Susanoo and Sun wukong

Sirzechs: Incredible Muzan, you are the only one in the world except for Lucifer himself to have come back alive.

Ajuka: Impressive.

Serafall: Good job Muzan!!!

Falbium: Zzzzzzz....

Zekram: We found in the ring you gave us several scrolls confirming that they belonged to Lucifer. But if I remember correctly you were allowed to take 10 things for yourself, what did you take?

Muzan: Nothing.

Everyone was shocked to hear this

Muzan: I already have everything I need. But now you have to do your part of the contract.

Zekram: Tss! Fine.

After that, Zekram announced that full political powers will now rest with the Four Satan and that the Devils Council is officially dissolved. Everyone left the room, but I stayed with Zekram

Zekram: Do you want anything else?

Suddenly a terrifying aura descended on Zekram and despite his might, he couldn't help but shake.

Muzan: Zekram, to be honest I really don't like you. Especially with everything you put my cousin Sairaorg and his mother through. But the worst part is your attempt to have me killed by sending me to the Bermuda Triangle. Exceptionally, I'll give you a second chance, but if you ever do it again...

I turned and my face made Zekram shiver

Muzan: Even the Gods will not be able to save you from me!

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Muzan: Even the Gods will not be able to save you from me!

Then, I left the room and was almost thrown to the ground by Serafall who jumped into my arms and put my head between her breasts.

Serafall: Thanks Muzan! Thanks to you these cranky old guy will never bother us again.

Ajuka: Indeed, you succeeded in unveiling these traitors and also giving us all the political powers. Thank Muzan-kun

And even Falbium was awake

Falbium: Thank you, young man.

After that, Ajuka, Falbium, and Serafall left, but Serafall kissed me in front of the other three Satan before leaving. Only me and Sirzechs remained

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