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For my friend J... I guess you already know who you are. Remember during our sophomore year when you asked me to write you a poem? This is it! I hope you finally got over him... And just so you know, you're better off without that guy...


"Pulled by the Past"

On those days I’m looking back,

When on her you still belong,

Both of your bonds, still so strong.

When on her your world still turned.

Both of you, thinking nothing else,

But the bliss you both shared.

With love and trust equally paired,

Impossible to break by no one else.

Yet it wasn’t that indestructible,

Thought you were mutually invincible,

Things really were unpredictable,

Easily ripped, very susceptible.

She’s now abandoned- neglected.

And to me, your angelic face turned.

Attention- all that you’re asking.

I’m a fool, gave you such needing.

I thought at all I wouldn’t care,

But soon, I’m trapped at your lair.

And to get out, I wouldn’t ever dare.

A new start, with you I’ll share.

Definitely hooked by your words,

Isn’t that cautious, easily lured.

Isn’t sure if one’s loyalty’s pure,

Left hanging, on clues now probing.

Here’s me left with no air- suffocating,

Been with loneliness somewhere- rotting.

On probable reasons still thinking,

On where’s fidelity, still finding.

Regrets come at last so they say,

Wishing I chose the other way,

Trying to correct things as I may,

Hoping pain will soon go astray.

You’ve caused me ruins, damage.

Source of delays on my pilgrimage.

Yet no right am I for any outrage,

Will continue the on-going voyage.

On my own tears I shall be mended,

For suffering and ache already fled,

Though life crafted a path of helix,

From ashes will rise, akin to a Phoenix.

Pieces of Poetry: Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now