The beginning........

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For the longest I was trapped in this dungeon, this dungeon is my home, the only place I ever known. 'Creak,Craaackkk,Creeeeaaaakkkkk' the sound of my chains that was holding me back was starting to get annoying, how long will I have to endure this never ending pain.I hate it here, I could barely remember what the outdoors look like. The only person I know is the man who comes to torture me, to break me, to show me that I am nothing. When will it finally be my time, when will the king finally order the executor to execute me. I'm fifteen now. The only way I know this is because that Mr. torture man reminds me of it. he does this to tell me that another year has went by and I'm stuck here.
"Oi, you filthy thief, get up, the king has something in-store for you" he said with his heavy accent laced with hate and disgust. I wasted no time in getting up, I knew if I took too long my torture session would be way worse then normal. I shifted uncomfortably as the chains that bound my arms for years was being removed. Within the 10 to 15 seconds I was free, this filled me with a new found spark of determination. Unfortunately I was now bound in cuffs. Though I was still trapped I now had the taste of freedom. That taste was amazing. I have to hold onto that feeling,if moments like that can happen then maybe it could happen again.
The soldier leads me threw many twist and turns. I tried to memorize it all as I walked threw the labyrinth of a castle. He stopped in front of a giant door, I'm sure it's made of pure gold. I wonder how it taste. The soldier knocked on the door. A big loud and deep voice boomed from the other side."You May Enter" the soldier did as he was command. The inside was spectacular, I think I used it in the right context. The floor was marbled, and the walls were cobblestone. Right in the middle of it all were stairs leading to the thrones. The king and his son,Jackson, weird name but what ever, was sitting on the thrones in all there glory. Jackson was using a Holoboard, the thin magenta board look like it was displaying a picture of a man. He was sure ugly,I mean the man and not the son, the son was hot. "Thank you sir. Rognard the third for bringing the prisoner here, you may now leave" the soldier whose name is actually Rognard bowed his head in respect and excited the room.
I looked around a bit, clearly confused. "Mrs. I have noticed that you are quite the fighter. Our army is growing shorter by the minute. We need you to fight as a soldier" I gave the biggest smile I ever could. I never expected that today, out of all days would be the day I would finally be able to leave this blasted place. "You must be thinking of ways to escape, but I assure you, there is no way for you to escape, we will be placing you in holo cuffs, you won't be able to see the cuffs but you sure as hell can fell it, especially when you try and remove it, spikes will dig into your wrist and cause you to feel immense pain, but, it will not kill you" my eyes widen, I wasn't expecting this, I wasn't even planning on escaping, I was only grateful for being given this opportunity. "that's the expression I was expecting, My son is the commander of the division you will be in, you might be wondering why I'm telling you this, and that's because you're the second in command"

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