Chapter 1:seeing the sky

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A year has went by, I was sleeping in a Bed, I never knew a bed was this soft, actually I think I just didn't remember. The king made me train with soldiers, he also gave me food and meat, gosh the taste of chicken is so amazing. I was doing the same routine straight no breaks for a whole year.
Except for today. Today is different. Today we will be traveling to the war zone. I am already done packing my bag and I am super excited for the trip. Today I will see the sky. "Open up, we have to leave" it was the prince. Honestly I wouldn't have known me and the spoiled rat would be good friends. I open the door and saw the emerald green eyed rat glaring daggers at me. "We may not be late, but we still need to be there early" he complained. I'm sure his blood would be boiling if he saw my smirk. But luckily I am wearing my special helmet. This helmet is a pumpkin, the front part is carved out in the form of a jack-a-lantern. For the eye holes it has glass that's completely tinted black, but I could see perfectly fine out of it. I had this thing for years, and never took it off. Some say it forms facial expressions. Anyways I don't know where it came from but it's mine now.
Jackson waved his hands in front of my face in annoyance,"I can't believe you zoned out again if you keep doing this I swear we're going to get in trouble,now come on we have to go" he said as he started walking I was walking right behind him. The walk was silent, comfortably silent.
We arrived in front of the palace, that's where we wait until the king gives orders for departure. I stood up straight with my hands behind my back. I have nothing to loose in this war. Unlike others here, some of the prisoners wished to be released and we there family again. Others were waiting for there inevitable demise, just like me, you see I don't want death, I just know I'm going to get it. I'm 99.9% sure that after the war the king will order for us to be executed. I wonder if Jackson knows if I'm right or not.
I exhaled, though we are in front of the castle, the castle is surrounded by a dome made out of holodust. I'm sure the person who came up with the material holo must be very proud of his creation, especially after seeing everyone use it to make different products. I sure hope to meet him one day.
People started to enter, there love ones visited and it was a beautiful sight to see however very devastating cause they know that this might be the last time they see each other. Unfortunately most of us didn't have anyone here for them, no one there to visit them, and no family at all. Us, we watched in envy, some of us plotting there death, some silently watching wanting to be them. And me. Nothing. I felt nothing from that. All I know is if I'm ever freed I'll clear my name and start a new life, with my own family. Time went by fast, especially when your alone at the moment. The king stood up in front of us and started his announcement, I toned out moat of it cause I heard him explain this stuff many times, he explained how they have to listen to me and Jackson. He then said the words I was most excited to here. "Today is the day you will see sunlight, today is the day you will be outside, You Are Dismissed" he then went back into the castle. All of us exited the dome. The first thing we all did was look up at the sun. The warmth from the sun is so amazing, I love the way it feels on my chocolaty black skin. I stretched my arms out and closes my eyes, I'm almost certain I felt my zigzag pumpkin mouth form a warm smile, and probably less than the creepy smile it had before. Jackson playfully nudge my arm. "Your pumpkin head looks more brighter in color than usual" he sad playfully, I just smiled in response and nudge him back,we then made our way to the docks where the ships were.
"Seeing The Sky,after so many years, was amazing"

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