Chapter 3: Eternal Flames

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 The sky was purple and the sun was green, todays my favorite day, on days like these, when i let my flames lit up, it will be green. This day is amazing, i feel so much stronger.

Green Flames, the flames of youth, when people find random green flames they are promised to have a good life.

 I decided to stay lit up, the green flames pouring threw my mask's tinted eyes. "Hey pumpkin head, todays the day of eternal youth, October 24th" he says with a big grin on his face, his red eyes sparkling like a pool of flames, i ruffle his golden hair playfully. He pouted and composed himself very quickly. He stood up straight and did a fake cough. "i noticed your lit today" you made that sound so weird i thought to my self. I nod my head in return, his eyes widen. "Wait green flames, i'm going to live a good life" i rolled my eyes and playfully shoved him. he laughed at that and we started walking to the planning room, faces blank and smiles non evident, our arms were behind our back and we look good in uniform. Our uniform consist of a pirate looking coat and we were wearing some army boots. We entered the room, everyone sitting in there respectful places, i glanced towards Henry, he had a big smile on his face but looked super tired, out of everyone here this sleepy brunette sticks out the most.
 After the whole greetings thing we started discussing the plan, he did the talking as i pointed to all the things with my fancy new stick. "We are going for the element of surprise, especially with our lack of soldiers." one of the soldiers snickered. "if we go out there we're as good as dead" he shouted, "yah the king only using us as distractions" one chimed in, pretty soon the room was complete discord. "silence" Jackson shouted trying to calm them down. I slammed my stick on the table shutting them up. they all look towards us. Jackson gave me a look of complete gratitude and looked back to the sorta ex prisoners. "Your opinions does not matter in this situation, unless your giving input for our battle strategy then i don't want to hear a thing. All the soldiers nod there head, afraid of what I'm going to do.
 After that whole fiasco everything went smoothly. we explained the planned came up with more strategies and over all it was alright. They sky was beginning to become normal, and my green flames were slowly turning red, I inhaled some air, and put out my flames. One thing i know for sure is that, nothing can put out the Eternal Flames inside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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