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the last edit finally ♡ I had some unused ideas still stored so I'm wondering if I should make a new chapter.


Fluffy clouds rolled over the gorgeous blue sky, where groups of Wooloo gathered below; grazing in the fields of Postwick.
The distant bleating caught his attention at times; amethyst eyes were staring rather curiously at the sheep pokémon.

Allister folded his arms and leaned towards the mossy stone railing, feeling the wind blow across his visible face.
The bright light and colour that surrounded him was definitely a 180° turn from what he was normally used too... if it wasn't obvious enough.

"..Then, just when I thought I had a chance to attack, his Charizard released the strongest flamethrower move I've seen-!" (Y/N) exaggerated her hand movements, giving a retelling of the championship match. "The field was just sweltering, it felt like a sauna..!"

As (Y/N) rambled about her retelling, she leaned against the cobble fencing and closed her eyes to relive the memory, wanting to tell all the details.
Allister just didn't have the heart to tell her that he was there that day and observed the entire battle... So he listened contentedly.

"..I mean, seriously-! Could you imagine me as Champion if I actually won?"

"I could, actually..." He muttered, leaning his cheek against his hand.
'You're already a Champion in my eyes.' He thought.

"Hah... Well, when it was all over, I just- I didn't know what to feel. I was just so excited to make it that far... But walking away with failure plastered over my name wasn't.. it wasn't great."
Sighing quietly, her eyes fluttered open as she felt disappointed with herself again. Only, her demeanor quickly changed to become alerted when Muffy weeped-- looking sad, and ashamed.

"Ah- no, no Muffy! It wasn't your fault, nor the others..!" Attempting to reassure them, (Y/N) extended her hand and stroked their head. "It's all mine.. But we all did try our best, right?"

Muffy didn't budge. As (Y/N) was trying to get them in higher spirits, she had to come to terms with the fact that she knew the exhausting answer on how to achieve it.
If you've been with someone, or in this case- a pokémon for years, you're bound to know their secret on how to make them happy.
For Muffy, they won't start purring until they are given something to munch on.
Sigh. . .

"Oh, fine..." Muttering quietly, (Y/N) opened her bag and took out a small container; full of oran berries. Offering the container to her pal, she grinned and rolled her eyes. "Muffy, do you really just need food to be happy?"

She did mean it as a joke, so she was taken aback when Muffy just nodded as they turned the other way to snack on the berries.

"Wow-w-w. You're welcome, your highness! I only packed the berries and nothing more, just thought I should let you know!" (Y/N) stifled a small laugh, folding her arms.
Taking a moment to process it, she froze for a second before starting to fluster.

I forgot to pack actual food.

She felt her face heat up in embarrassment when realizing Allister was looking at them; mostly at her. Fumbling with her hands, she sighed and laughed a bit in her defeat. After all: snacks were always something she had at the ready, especially for Allister.
"I now realise I forgot to pack the snacks... But- but! Thankfully we're still near my hometown, so! I can quickly go back and pack something up and then we can--!"

The faint sound of a stifled laugh got (Y/N) to hold her tounge. His lips had formed a smile before he lifted a hand to cover them, turning his face away in the process.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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