The Dinner

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Kange was enjoying his day at his condo in New York City. He was eating his daily serving of fetus's. Then he got a call from his best friend T. N. Mann, asking if he wanted to have dinner that night at around 8 pm. Kange agreed to go as he hasn't seen T. N. in a while. 

Meanwhile, Kanye was in his mansion all the way across the country in L.A. He was getting ready to fly to New York, because his new album was set to release that night. Once he landed he headed off to a party thrown by his team celebrating his album. The party was getting a little too hectic so his manager asked if he would like to go to dinner.

Once they got into the restaurant, they sat down and ordered. Then Kanye looked at the door and froze. It was Kange. Kanye's manager then left for the bathroom. The waitress brought Kange to his table, which happend to be Kanye's table. 

Kanye- "What the HELL are you doing here Kange."

Kange- "I could ask you the same question yeesy boy."

He sat down, because if they were to cause a scene, it would be on the news the next day. They both knew that, and just stared at each other. They wondered how they ended up at the same table. Minutes passed, Kanye had realized his manager wasn't coming back. He then realized this was a set up.

Kanye- "Did you know?"

Kange- "Did I know what bitch?"

Kanye- "That I was gonna be here."

Kange- "You seriously think i'd be here knowing you were gonna be here? I am pissed i'm even in the same state as you. Why are you in New York."

Kanye - "My album is coming out so I had to do some business here. Guess my good day is ruined, seeing your fucked up face."

Kange - "Bitches love this face. I fuck mad fucking bitches. They see my face and instantly we fuckin."

Kanye - "They must be even more inbred then you then, or they just feel so bad for you that they do you favors."

The waitress then came and saw if they needed anything, then saw Kange and asked if he wanted to order since he hadn't before. So Kange then ordered and the waitress left. Out of nowhere a woman comes and sits down at their table. That woman was Kanya West, their mother. 

Kange - "Mom, is that you? I haven't seen you since the family reunion in 1968."

Kanya - "Yes its me. I am here to finally lay this feud to rest. You are splitting up our family and I can't take it."

Kanye - "Mom, I love you but no amount of love will ever make me like Kange again."

Kanya then vanished in a cloud of pinkish red cloud. Kange and Kanye then cried because they're mom won't be back for a while. They both loved their mom, but never get to see her because she has duties "elsewhere". Just after that the waitress came with their food. They were silent for the rest of their meal out of sadness from their mom. 

Kange was done his food so he left. 

Kange East vs Kanye West: Civil WarWhere stories live. Discover now