You Are Going to Brazil

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Kange had to hide in the luggage part of the plane, as he never actually bought a ticket. He fell asleep until the plane had landed. He snuck out of the plane and he was in Brazil. This isn't his first time in Brazil actually. Brazil was originally the home to the entire Kanye kind. There is a village in a rural part of Brazil where they all lived. Kanye and Kange were one of the only ones to leave Brazil for a life in America. Kange wanted to see his family as he hasn't seen them in a while. He sat at bus stop for hours waiting for one that would bring him to where his family was. Then the right bus finally came and he got on.

Bus Driver - "Yo would you like to pay??"

Kange - "Oh yeah ok here you go."

As he gave him 5 bottlecaps and a battery he found in his pocket. The bus driver just wanted to go home and this was his last drive so he just let it go. 

Bus Driver - "Wait a minute you look a lot like that one American guy,,,, whats his name?,,,, Kanye West!"

Kange - "Do not bring him up. Never. Ever. No."

Bus Driver - "Oh, o k then."

After a long ride he finally made it to the village. 

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