The Love Season

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Kange finally made it to the Village Of Kanye. He was looking around and didn't know anyone. He hadn't been here for 50 years so lots of uhm, things happened, and there's new children running around. There is also a lot of non-kanye people moving in because the village is known for being a wonderful place. Then he ran into one of his cousins. Kanye South.

Kanye S. - "Never thought i'd see you in a million years."

Kange - "I'm here ru- I mean visiting."

Kanye S. - "You have a lot of nerve showing up here again after what happened."

Kanye S. then walked away out of discust after seeing Kange's face. Kange then continued walking and got very hungry. He got food at the Hungry West burrito resturant. He orded a burrito right after beating up some kid for money. He then looked for a seat but most of them were full, so he had asked this one person that was sitting alone if he could sit there. They said yes. Kange then started eating. Then he froze. It was the most beautiful face he had ever seen. But the catch was it was a man.

Kange - "So uhm,, nice weather today right?"

The Man - "Yeah would like a good storm though, we haven't gotten one in ages. What's your name?"

Kange - "I'm Kange East. What's yours?"

The Man- "Mines Don Cheadle."

Kange - "That's a pretty name, guessing you're not from here?"

Don Cheadle - "Nope, just moved here a couple of years ago."

Kange - "I used to live here, im visiting at the moment. Speaking of I actually don't have anywhere to stay is there any way I could stay with you?"

Don Cheadle - "Uh yeah, thats fine I actually have an extra room. Here we can go now."

Kange East vs Kanye West: Civil WarWhere stories live. Discover now