Fam Time

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Kanye W. bought a mansion for him and his family to stay while they were there. They got into contact with Kanya and is going to meet her and more of his family tomorrow. 

After his nice night with Don Cheadle, Kange got out of bed and put some of Don's clothes on because he forgot to bring clothes. They wanted to go have a nice breakfast and they did just that. While they were walking around the plaza after eating they saw Kanya getting things for the family meeting later that day.  

Kanya - "KANGE?"

Kange - "GRANDMA??"

Kange was secretly Kanya's favorite grandchild. She then invited him to the family meeting not knowing him and Kanye W. had fallen out in America. 

A couple hours had passed and it was time. Kange brought Don, but only as a friend. Then Kanye W. and his family came. Most of them knew they had fallen out and everyone stopped in awe when they both saw each other. 

Kange - "Who the fuck invited this dingbat here?"

Kanya - "What's the problem?"

Kanye W. - "I thought this was a family reunion. Not a bitchass and family reunion."

Kanya - "Boys, tell me what is going on here!"

Kanye S. - "They have this ongoing feud. No one actually knows what happened but they just hate eachother. This reunion was a real mistake."

Kanya - "Well... maybe we can just get along for the night?"

Kanye W. - "There's no way that's going to happen. You want me to tell them why you're here Kange? If you don't, get yourself out of here."

Kange - "What are you even talking about?"

Kanye W. - "T. N. Mann. I know what you did."

Kange - "You mean the guy you killed?"

The crowd gasped. They didn't expect it to get this heated so fast. 

Kanye W. - "The guy you killed."

Kange - "Why would I kill my best friend? Huh? I was too busy fucking bitches in my condo."

Don then walked in from the bathroom. Not hearing what Kange just said. 

Kanye W. - "Now whos this? I know a Kanye family member when I see one."

Don - "I'm here with Kange. He didn't have a ride so I brought him here. That's it. Just friends nothing else. Nope." 

Kanye W. - "Yo Kange is he your next murder victim then?"

Don - "Murder victim??"

Kange - "Alleged thank you very much. Give it a day and the police will find out you killed him just you wait."

Kanye S. - "I really left the farm to hear you guys arguing about fucking murder. God."

Kange East vs Kanye West: Civil WarWhere stories live. Discover now