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A few days later

Hoseok let out a chuckled holding onto his stomach "you promised you wouldn't laugh" mr byun pouted , hoseok just laughed even more turning the other male's heart to mush

"I'm so sorry it was just so funny" Hoseok whipped the tears from his eyes "um c-can I ask you a question mr jung?" Mr byun asked nervously playing with his fingers

Over the past few days they had been hanging out together and mr byun had quickly fallen for hoseok's charm , he wouldn't normally ask out anyone but he wanted to shoot his shot

"Sure" Hoseok smiled sweetly at him , the other could feel his heart pounding against his chest and his throat getting dry "I wan-" he was cut off "Come here" a mint haired boy pulled  hoseok away before he could even blink

"Um-I'll be with you in just a second" Hoseok smiled softly at him , Mr Byun blushed

"what are you doing?" Yoongi huffed , hoseok furrowed his eyebrows obviously confused "I don't know what you're talking about" he blinked

Yoongi chuckled but it wasn't one of amusement "why do you keep talking to him?" He asked , hoseok's eyes darted around for a while "talking to who?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows

"To him" yoongi pointed at mr byun "don't let me remind you who you belong to now" he growled , hoseok stepped back "we're just friends that's all" he frowned

"You don't look like friends" yoongi ran a hand through his mint locks "and what do friends look like?" Hoseok fired back folding his arms , to tell the truth yoongi was a bit taken back

"Rumor has it that you guys are dating an-" he was cut off "and who do you believe? Them or me" Hoseok asked , yoongi bit his inner cheek and took a deep breath

"Meet me at my car after school and don't make me wait" he pushed past hoseok , the older stumbled back a bit . Something about how yoongi said it made him feel a bit worried

He brushed it off though and walked back to mr byun who was fidgeting around "I'm sorry about that......you wanted to asked something?" Hoseok asked ruffling his faded orange hair , the other looked down at him

"I-I was going to ask I-f you would like t-to go out w-with me" Hoseok's stomach instantly dropped "I'm sorry I-I can't I already have someone bu-" he was cut off "it's okay I didn't think you would've said yes anyway" mr byun smiled weakly

Hoseok gulped , he felt guilty but he made a deal with yoongi , seeing that they aren't on the best of terms he didn't want to piss him off by even asking if he could go out on a date with someone . He didn't know the younger all that well but over the past few days he learnt not to mess with him

"I swear I would say yes it's just I have this......thing and I can't" he explained vaguely , the man nodded with a smile but hoseok could still see how broken up he was "we can still be friends" he offered and the man merely nodded

There was a moment of silence until hoseok decided to say something "I-i think I should go back to the office.......I have lots of paperwork" he awkwardly scratched the back of his nape "y-yea I should get to class too" he chuckled

"Bye" hoseok murmured before he walked away feeling a slight pain in his chest


"I'm telling you guys they have to be dating" Jimin says sipping his drink , taehyung nodded in agreement "I saw them talking in the hallway , the principal was all smiles"

Jin shook his head "do you guys ever just stop and think maybe they're just really good friends?"

jungkook's eyes darted from person to person as they spoke , yoongi rolled his eyes "can you guys shut up about them already" he groaned

"What is this?" Taehyung smirked "is min yoongi jealous?" he teased , the mint haired boy sighed "no I'm just tired of hearing you guys talk about them , it's annoying"

"Plus hoseok is already mine" he smirked , they furrowed their eyebrows "what do you mean?" Jimin asked

"Did you two already do the dirty?" Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows "yes , if you must know" he smirked , they gasped

"I thought you only have sex with someone once and leave them" Jin furrowed his eyebrows, yoongi's lips tilted into a smirk "yes that's normally the case but we have a special arrangement"

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