Chapter 1

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(Holly's POV) you'll be in this POV for most of the story

  My mother always told me how amazing the circus was, her stories always fascinated me and every time she brought it up I would always be there to be there to listen.

  Around the time of my 10th birthday the circus had just opened up again and I had begged my mother to take me there, it took a little bit to convince her to buy tickets but on the day that my birthday finally arrived, we made our way to enjoy our day. As I had waited in the line I could see some of the performers that we were to see in the show, there were acrobats, a few jugglers, a magician, two tightrope walkers, the ringmaster and some clowns. As I watched all of them load into the back of the tent, a large clown caught my eye, he seemed to be wearing a rainbow outfit that had many striped on it, he had messy red hair, green eyes and some basic clown make-up, He was quite tall compared to the others but he had seemed to be quite jolly and enthusiastic toward the others.

    As entered the tent my excitement only grew and grew, this was the first time I had ever seen a show and as the spotlight shined down on the ringmaster, I knew that I had made the right decision coming here. The ringmaster had short brown hair that could've been mistook for black  if he wasn't under a spotlight, he had icy blue eyes that glittered with enthusiasm, however he seemed to be quite pale and ghostly, while this didn't bother me much it did seem weird how light his complexion was compared to a lot of the others I had seen when I looked around. 

  He gave a big smile to the audience and spoke, "Welcome one, Welcome all to the Grand opening to our circus, I am very glad to have you all here today!"  He moved his hands in a flamboyant way, slightly bowing after welcoming us.

  "For the first act," He sounded, "please say hello to our wonderful acrobats!" 

  Just then two thin, female acrobats jumped from small trampolines in the corners of the ring and did three flips before successfully landing on their feet, I was quickly amazed watching as they both continued doing many gymnastic stunts. As I watched I was broken from my trance when The ringmaster shouted again.

  "Next would you please but your hands together for our lovely tightrope walkers!"

Three tall tightrope walkers appeared, they all carefully yet quickly made their way across a very thin rope that was strung up in-between two small platforms that they had seemed toby walking to. I watched in awe as they all strategically made it to the platforms without falling, or even stopping once to regain balance on the thin cable they were walking on.

  The ringmaster continued to yell out different acts one by one, not leaving out a single performer, and just as I thought it was over, he yelled out "And finally please welcome, our amazing and colorful final act, the clowns!" 

  I eagerly watched as four brightly colored figures appeared in the middle of the ring, two on each side of the ringmaster. They all had very large genuine smiles, and just as they were about to start their act, the face of the striped rainbow clown I had seen before seemed to change from a large joy filled smile into a sick and sadistic smirk as he stared back at me.

(602 words, I hoped you enjoyed chapter one and if you would like to give me criticism if any of this is wrong, as long as it is not rude please do let me know what it is. Thank you for reading!)

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