Chapter 3

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(Art not mine.)

(Holly's POV)

  I sat on my bed trying to process all the events of the day, specifically the clown. I did the best I could to rid my memory of him, but nothing I did helped forget, I wanted to tell my mother, I wanted her to know what I saw.

  "Dear, are you alright? You seem stressed." My mom wandered into the room with the book she was to read to me that night.

  "N-no im fine, you don't have to worry about me." I smiled

  She nodded and sat next to me, opening to the page we had last left off. I cuddled into her side as I listened to the story, eventually my eyelids started to feel heavy and my mind drifted into the world of dreams.

(??? POV)

  The girl ran, and ran, and ran, all the way through the labyrinth, desperately trying to escape me.

  "You can run my dear, but you can't hide from me..." I yelled in my normal cherry voice, letting out a slight chuckle as I heard her footsteps quicken.

  I had been here many times before, I had learned the location every single nook and cranny there was, her footsteps echoed through the halls before coming to a halt. She had found a hiding place. I continued in the direction she went in, there were a few smart hiding spots around this way so I had assumed she made her way into one of those, I turned the corner into a thin, dimly lit hall that was much different from the others.

I took a single step,

She inhaled sharply.

I took another,

Her heart rate quickened.

I took my final step,

Her stomach jumped to her throat.

  She couldn't run from me... not anymore.

289 words, I hope you enjoyed the third chapter, sorry if the parts seem to get shorter. Also I really apologies for not updating in a little bit, I had really bad writers block but I'm back and I'll try to update more often. Thank you for reading and if you have any criticism for this story, as long as you're not rude I would really appreciate it.

(PS I have a new editor who is a very good friend of mine and I'd appreciate if you'd follow them, their user is CanISsslytherin go give them a follow)

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