Chapter 2

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(Holly's POV)

  I sat in the car feeling an unexplainable sense of dread, the show had ended mere hours ago but I still couldn't get the clowns sinister face out of my head, 'why'd he smile at me like that?

  I adjusted my dress so it lay flat on my thighs, thoughts still racing through my mind. It was even confusing how he made the face in the first place, I rested my head on my hand as I looked out the window watching trees pass by, my mom had promised we'd get ice cream after the show, and despite me being shaken up I was still excited for it. "So did you enjoy the show?" My mother turned to look at me as we stopped at a sign.

  "yeah...thanks for taking me mom." I stated to her blankly without looking up from the window.

  As I stared I couldn't help but feel the dread grow stronger as I felt a pair of eyes burning into my skin, I went to get a closer look outside when I saw a flash of color pass by my vision, I squeaked quietly as I looked away from the window, not looking back up. We pulled up to the small ice cream shop on the corner of my street and we got out, getting two small one scoop vanilla cones.

(??? POV)

  I saw her small figure turn away from the window, I wasn't hidden very well so I assumed she saw me and was startled at me watching her. I surprised myself doing this, but for some reason I felt drawn to her, she had a different aura compared to the other children I had seen. It made me feel both hungry yet full at the same time, she didn't have any fear of me or my friends, yet she did.

  The thoughts confused me and made me want to know more, since her mother was with her still I couldn't approach her, but I had a plan to get her to come with me, I wasn't sure it was going to work exactly how I want it to; however, with enough convincing I'm sure I'll get her on my side.

369 words, if you have any suggestions for the next part or want to give me criticism, as long as you are not rude please put it in the comments. I hope you enjoyed chapter 2 and have a good day/night!

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