BFDIR 10: Talk Much?

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Pencil: It it me or,

Rocky: *Barfs on Pencil*

Pencil: Is there too much barf?

Match: I know, this is, like, all Pen's fault!

Match: *Points at Pen while Rocky barfs on her*

Pen: *Sweats which made the barf on him feel even more gross*

Pencil: How is it his fault?

Pencil: *Gets barfed on*

Match: He like-

Rocky: *Barfs into Match's mouth*

Match: *Throws up*

Pencil: *Throws up*

Flower: *Throws up*

Bubble: *Pops herself*

Announcer: Hey guys.

Announcer: *Gets barfed on*

Announcer: Alright.

Spongy: *Comes out of the NTLC wet and crushes ToF*

Spongy: *Goes back into the NTLC*

Announcer: All good and disinfected.

Rocky: *Tries to barf on Announcer but can't*'

Rocky: Aw man.

*Everyone looks at him shocked*

Rocky: I can talk again!

Rocky: Yay!

Announcer: Anyways next contest.

*The teams get put in seperate tubs*

Announcer: Fill up the tub with tears.

Match: *Punching Pen*

Pen: Ow ow ow ow.

Pencil: MATCH!

Match: What?

Match: I'm, like, helping us win the challenge.

Pencil: *Opens her mouth to speak but closes it back*

Pen: *Starts crying*

Pencil: Hit me too!

Pencil: So we can win the contest, so we can win the contest!

Match: *Hits Pencil as well*

Rocky: Oh my gosh, Match even though that works that's a littl-

Rocky: *Swallows Pencil's and Pen's tears*

Firey: I don't like dying.

Blocky: *Punches Leafy*

Blocky: CRY!

Tennis Ball: Why don't we just grow Teardrop or something?

Golf Ball: We can melt Ice Cube.

Ice Cube: *Looks concerned*

Announcer: Since none of you guys are crying, guess we're doing the skiing contest.

Flower: The what?

*The tubs disappear and they get put on a mountain full of snow*

Announcer: Alright go.

Rocky: I want to lead!

Pencil: Weren't you the reason your team lost last time?

Rocky: Um, yes?

Match: Like, I'll lead.

*Everyone gets on Match*

Blocky: *Gets on the ski*

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