Peppa's fat

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Peppa's almost dead body lay on the hospital bed. Suzy lay there right beside her. The smell of bleach made Suzy feel sick. The silhouette of a young woman came in. "How is she now, Suzy?"
"Oh, h...hey there Zara Zebra. think she's doing ok. She's still unconscious."
"Please. It's just Zara."
Suzy blushed at the honour.
"Anyways, I've been waiting for a few hours, I'd best head home to my roommate. She might think I'm dead. As Zara left Suzy noticed her edgy outfit. She wore a faux leather jacket, with a "The Cure" shirt hiding underneath it. She was wearing tight leather trousers, and wore a ringlet belt with 5 sets of holes. Suzy looked at her arse as she walked out the door, and the last she saw she was flicking her long colourful hair out of the way.

3 days passed and peppa's eyes slowly opened. She saw bright hospital lights and a strong smell. Right beside her was Suzy. She had been sleeping on an uncushioned plastic chair. Suzy's eyes opened slowly aswell. Peppa and Suzy's eyes met.
"S...*cough cough*"
"Don't talk Peppa. Now that you're out of your coma I think you should get some rest."
Peppa gave Suzy a quick nod before she fell into a deep slumber. Suzy alerted the doctors that peppa had woken up.

*boring hospital stuff happens.*

A doctor came into the room with his clipboard."Well ,Peppa, only a few more tests and you should be out of this hospital."
"Thank you doctor." Suzy responded for Peppa, because she didn't want her to waste her energy on stupid things like thanking people.
"Hush now, Peppa, my love."
"Oh, nothing, Peppa."

Peppa slept for a whopping 22 hours before she woke up.
"Suzy there's something I need to tell you. It's what I wanted to tell you right before I got hit by the car."
"W...what is it p...p...peppa."
"What, p...peppa. What is it?"
"Suzy I-"
The doctor burst in "well ,Peppa, looks like you have cancer."

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