The "Perfect" Family: 1

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(The photo has no relevance to the story, I just thought it was funny XD)


The night was dark. No one was around. No one except our main protagonist, 'Izuku Midoriya.' "No one knows~ No one knows~" Little Izuku here is ten and singing a song while dragging a bag to his father's famous bar. (oh ya, I forgot to mention that the bar the League of Villains usually use is well known and owned by Izuku's father.) "I'm back, father!" Izuku walks in through the back door dragging his bag, which seems to have blood leaking through it. "Izuku, welcome home!" He pauses for a moment. "you're getting blood on the carpet Izuku." Izuku looks down to his left, where the blood from the bag is getting on the carpet. "Sorry, papa...are you mad at me?" His eyes start to fill with tears, which makes his dad panic, one because his one and only son is about to start crying, and two because he doesn't want to feel the wrath of his wife when she learns he made their dear precious son- cry. "No, no, no! Izuku it's ok! Please don't cry! Help me clean it up before mama gets back, ok? Then we can have ice cream while going through tonight's treasure!" Izuku wiped his tears, nodded at his papa while moving the bag off of the carpet on the wooden floor in the next room.

(...uH 1 hour and 30mins later)

After finally getting all the blood out of the carpet before Inko got home, Hisashi and Izuku took a break while staring at his adorable blood-covered son, who fell asleep halfway through cleaning. As Hisashi placed his son carefully on the couch, he awaited his wife's arrival so they could do what Izuku's dad had promised.

When Inko arrives 1 hour later, she sees her husband and her son cuddled on the couch with the news playing in the background. She makes her way to the kitchen to warm up leftovers from last night when she realizes a bloody bag on the wooden floor just before the kitchen. She then realizes who's it is and goes to wake up her son and husband to go through Izuku's kill of the night. "Izuku honey, wake up! Don't you wanna show mama and PAPA what you got tonight?" Izuku wakes up drowsy, with a yawn when he realizes what his mother was talking about, "Ya! Papa, wake up! Mama's home!" He woke up from his "kingly slumber" and rubbed his eye while slowly smiling at his wife and son before speaking, "Alright! My carbon copy, what did you get tonight?" They let their son open his bag of treasure since he is the one who 'dug it up.' "Look, mama! I found this man by himself when I was walking around! He kept trying to touch me, so I stabbed him 38 times in the chest." Inko was looking at her son in pridefulness while Hisashi was almost in tears. "Papa, why are you crying? did I do a bad job?" Izuku looks at his dad with hopeful eyes "No Izu. You did a perfect job...just like your mama" then he starts balling his eyes out with his son while Inko stares in disbelief 'father like son, huh?' Then Hisashi remembers something, "anyone up for ice cream?"

The End :)...for now ;)


Alright, I rewrote this whole chapter to make sure my grammar and spelling was better. I hope you enjoy this hopefully better chapter.

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