Little Sharpshooter Chap 28

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Trevor stood outside the bank. With a gun holster on his hip, his hand trembled on the grip of the pistol they gave him. Every outlaw that had captured the three of them were hiding somewhere with a gun pointed at him, so they said. If he didn't come out with the money, they would kill him and the banker. What was worse was they also threatened to burn down the building where Bronson and Randy were left hanging. The look on Randy's face as they wound the rope around the cuffs was discouraging. He was sure it was impossible for her to free herself.

He didn't want to be the reason she died because he lacked courage. But Trevor was one against a half dozen armed men. He had no choice. Even Randy wouldn't have liked those odds.

Trevor tentatively walked into the bank chewing his lip. The banker seemed to know something was up the minute he walked in. An old man nodded at Trevor on his way out the door. Trevor politely nodded back. It was a good excuse to break eye contact with the banker. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand.

"You look like you're up to no good." The banker shifted his weight behind the counter.

"What makes ya say that?" The words seemed to stick to the inside of his mouth.

"It's not the first time a young kid like you has come in here trembling like calf still covered in afterbirth." The banker leaned against the counter. "So, are you going to tell me you're a good shot at five paces? I think I am too. Hell, I think that little girl out there is as well."

Trevor turned to look outside the door wondering if the banker had seen Randy in the distance. It really was a young girl standing in the street talking with her ma. That made it worse. They might be in the way of any shots fired if he didn't do what he was told.

"Look, I don't want to do this but there are at least six armed outlaws out there. They'll kill me, you, and my friends if I don't do this. I'm not an outlaw. I tried to steal a horse once and I couldn't go through with it. I don't have a bad bone in my body." Trevor pulled out his pistol and pointed it at the wall. He couldn't point it at the banker.

"So you think trying to convince me of your saintliness is going to make it better?"

"No. But I need you to fill this up." Trevor threw a leather bag onto the counter and his gun wavered from how bad his hand was shaking.

The banker rolled his eyes as he filled the bag. "What if I shoot you right now? I have a gun."

"Go ahead. Well, just shoot my leg or somethin'. Then I wouldn't be worth the time of day to them."

The banker paused and pressed his mouth together. "No." He went back to packing the bag. "You should do time or hang for this."

"Ya know I don't want to do this, don't you?

"I heard you the first time."

"I just want ya to understand. I don't think you even need to worry about my gun. Someone outside is aimin' at us."

"I understand. This isn't the first time the bank has been robbed."

There was a light tapping on the window. Trevor looked right at Randy and his eyes widened with relief.

She showed him her empty hands and shrugged. His face fell.

The banker jumped when he saw Randy.

"I thought she would help us. But she doesn't have a gun," Trevor said dejected.

"Can you give her yours?" The banker asked wiping his brow.

"I can't move away from this spot unless I'm reaching for the bag."

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