Chapter five~Explanation

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Sunstreaker's POV

I looked at the black and purple haired femme beside me. She was sleeping, she looked so beautiful. How could something so beautiful could have such a feisty attitude. I stared at the symbols on her body. They all looked unusual as if they meant something. I reached out to her side to touch one of her appendages. She immediately sat up and looked at me.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing." I responded.

"Then why were you just about to touch one of my appendages?" She asked with a snappy tone.

"Because I can, you're my damn property!" I growled.

"No you can't and I am no ones property!" She snapped back.

I grabbed her neck and pinned her down.

"You better watch your tone fleshy." I growled.

"Get the fuck off me! You're heavy!" She squirmed.

I loved to see her squirm. It gave me power. For some reason she wasn't afraid of me. She always stood up to me. I loved her feisty attitude.

"What do the symbols on your body mean?" I asked getting off of her,

"I don't know what they mean. I've head them since I was born." She said.

"How is that possible?" I asked.

"I told you I don't know. I've tried washing them off for years and they wouldn't come off, some assumed they were tattoos but their not. They say they've been embedded into my genetic code." She explained.

"So those symbols are permanent?" I asked. She nodded.

"What about these?" I asked touching her appendages. She flinched and pushed my hand away.

"Ok, don't touch my appendages. They are hypersensitive, and I was also born with them as well." She said.

"Hypersensitive huh?" I smirked.

"Don't you fucking dare." She warned.

I ran my fingers up and down her left appendage making her shiver and jerk. I smirked at the reacted and pulled my hand from her.

"You fucking jerk." She snapped.

I smirked at her once again. I found her weak point.

"Can we make a stop?" She asked.


"Fine then I'll wet your seat." She said.

"You will not!" I snapped.

"Then make a stop!" She snapped back.

I gripped my steering wheel pulling into a gas station. She went to open my door but I stopped her.

"Five minutes." I said.

"Whatever." She said and got out.

I watched her walk away. She disappeared into the dark. I waited for a few minutes she has 56 seconds left. She came back. She was late.

"You're late." I growled.

"Oh my Azar, 6 seconds." She groaned.

"Don't care." I said.

I drove to a nearby hotel. We got out and went to the front desk.

"One room." I said.

"No." De'jaunni said.

I turned around and looked at her.

"Separate rooms, but make them conjoined." She said to the mech.

"Whatever the pretty lady wants." He said. He handed her the keys.

"Thanks." De'jaunni said and walked to the elevator.

Once the doors opened I pinned her to the wall.

"What was that?!" I growled.

"Oh relax it's conjoined rooms meaning their connected. Plus to absolutely refuse to share a room with you." She snapped.

I growled but let her go. Once we reached our floor we went to our rooms. I saw the door that connected my room with hers. I opened it to see her laid out on the bed. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was soft. Her chest softly rose and fell. I walked over to her I got a clear view of her body. She's slender and curvy but a little skinny to the point where I can see her ribs. One of them looked dismembered. I brought my hand over to her side and touched her soft golden brown skin. She jumped and pushed me away wrapping her arms and appendages around her body.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She yelled.

I could see the fear in her beautiful purple eyes. They seemed to be glowing.

"Why do you always flinch when I touch you?" I asked her. I just wanted her to feel relaxed around me. Femmes were always afraid of me, and I longed for someone who I could love. Someone who would be mine forever.

"I've had a troubled past." She said looking down.

"Tell me." I encouraged her.

"Well, um, when people found out I had purple eyes and appendages, they wanted to see if they could turn others into what I am. I was tricked, kidnapped, and experimented on. They tried to access my genetic code. It worked but something went wrong. When my blood touched them, it burned them instantly. They thought I did it so they beat me. Every single day I had to fight them so I wouldn't get raped. They touched me multiple times. When I would fight them, they would shine a bright ass flashlight in my face." She explained. I saw the small tear running down her eye.

"So what about you. You have a troubled past?" She asked.

I sighed and nodded.

"My parents were terrible. My sire raped and tortured me and brother. We were raped, tortured, starved, and abused. So we went to the streets and became gladiators." I said.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Don't apologize for something you didn't do." I said.

"I guess we aren't that different after all. My mom died when I was ten and I never met my dad. According to others he took off when my mom was pregnant." She said.

"Yeah? I guess we aren't that different." I said looking into her eyes.

I scooted a little closer to her and pulled her onto my lap. She shivered and jumped off.

"I think we should go to sleep." She said.

I sighed and nodded.

"Goodnight Sunstreaker." She said softly.

"Goodnight, my little femme."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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