XI. More Notes

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[headcanons & notes]

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~ Lytmir was once married to a kind forest witch and had a baby boy named Jackson with her. He was a curious and adventurous little boy, always wandering off to go play with various animals. He would often times get bitten or scratched, so one day, when he came home with a bite on his shoulder, neither parents paid it any mind. Well, that is, until about a month later when the veins around the bite turned black and the rest of his skin became pale. They took him to a mutant doctor and got him X-Rayed, only to find that he had a condition called "Eldritch Sickness" that had formed into a tumor in his digestive system. About a month later, things got so much worse. He was constantly vomiting, screaming, hitting his head on the bars of his crib to try and get the voices out... he was always thirsty, but they weren't able to give him any water or else he'd just throw it up again and it would make him even thirstier.  It got only worse and more painful from there. Muscle cramping, seizures, coughing up blood, migraines, horrific stomach aches, kidney stones... On July 22, 1988, at the age of four and a half, Jackson died after a two year long, horribly agonizing battle with the cancer caused by the Eldritch Sickness.

~ About a year after Jackson's death, Lytmir's wife committed suicide by jumping from a high bridge onto a busy highway. She was killed instantly.

~ Lytmir now has a phobia of crying babies because it gives him flashbacks of Jackson's painful experience.

~ Lytmir is terrified of falling in love and having more kids because he blames himself for both deaths, saying if he'd only been more observant, both Jackson and his wife would still be alive.

~ At a young age, Lytmir watched his mother get murdered by an evil organization who declared war on the SCP Foundation. 

~ Lytmir could easily turn evil on a dime and nobody would really blame him... but, he refuses to go against his wife, mother, and child by becoming a monster.

~ Lytmir has killed before and would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant protecting a family member or friend. He is a usually kind and gentle soul, but if you piss him off enough, he /will/ end you without a second thought. All the trauma he has been through helps with this mindset.

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