part 5 - Blood bag

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I woke up in a room I'd never seen before. All the walls where black, but all the furniture colored in a dark red. I couldn't see any windows. My head was hurting bad. I covered my face with my hands. "How are u feeling" The deep voice came from one of the corners. And then he suddenly sat in the bed besides me. It was Ethan. "Everything hurts" I touched my neck to find to sore. "I'm sorry about all of them.." Ethan removed my hair carefully so he could see the bite marks. "I never imagined this would happen, really" He smiled and shaked his head. "Me neither. But you know you could always come to me right? I'll protect you" He took my head on his chest and we stayed like that for a while. My body felt exhausted, and it felt nice not being a blood bag for once. "I have to ask you about something" I said. "What are keeping you from i dont know how to say it, use me?" I looked up at him and he looked away. "Just dont feel like it" He stood up and started walking to the door. The question might have affected him. But why? 

My lips where dry. My skin was pale. My hair was a mess. It legit looked like I was dying, like I probably was. I looked deeper into the mirror. I could still not belive the facts that I was in Ethans bedroom. And the fact that I felt safe for once. My eyes where lighter. What? I'd always had deep brown eyes, but now they looked more Hazel. Maybe I was seeing stuff, or maybe it's the light. I just knew I had to get some painkillers. 

I walked downstairs looking for Tyler. He always made dinner. So I thought he might have some medicine or some tips to get the pain away. "Tyler?" I looked around for him in the living room, and there he was. Reading a book about the sixth sense. He looked up. "Can I help you?" He closed the book. "Do you have any sort of painkillers?" The light room made my eyes hurt. "You look awful, of course I do. Come with me" Tyler started walking upstairs to his room. It was nice. It had light green walls, a window and looked like an old fashion room. "Here. You must suffer from bloodloss" He gave me two different jars. One was for headache and the other was Magnesium or something. It was supposed to help me make blood. "Thanks" I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Tyler?" I turned around and he was gone. What the heck. I started walking around, when I felt something pushing me against the wall. It was Tyler. I had forgotten the fact that I'm just a blood bag to them. He made me take some of the pills so I wouldn't pass out again. And my heart fell down to my feet.

"You should never trust a vampire, trust me" He smiled and looked me up and down. "I belive its rude just biting into you, isn't it? Maybe I should give you some pleasure first" He gave a me a seducive look and grabbed my face slowly. Then he came a lot closer. I tried to back off but my head hit the wall. It was no escape. I begged that Ethan all of a sudden would appear and save me. But he probably thought that I was still in hi's room. "Tyler, what.." I whispered. "Hush" He looked at my lips and I understood what he was about to do. And then he did it. He kissed me. Hi's lips where soft against mine, and it felt wrong. Then he started kissing me down my body, and he ended up at my thigh. I had goosebumps. Then he bit, and It started burning. My body collapsed to the ground, but he didn't stop. I just closed my eyes and waited for it to be over. "Wow, I didn't knew you tasted like this" He crawled over me. I was laying on the ground, and he was over me. I looked away and he started putting my hair behind my ear. "You gorgeous" He smiled. "Tyler stop, you're really hurting me" My voice shivered. "I could hurt you if I wanted to" Then he just stood up and opened the door. "Remember to take two of the Magnesium every day, and the other when your head kills you" I ran out of there, and back into my room. I was breathing heavy and fast. I couldn't let them do this anymore. I had to poison my own blood. And that fast! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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