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"All right, boys. What's your take on Blondie?"

Pierce reached across the limo and nudged Stalk in the shoulder. No reaction. At most, he only shifted his gaze to the right, as if to ask for advice. But Baldwin didn't offer him anything. He sat there, hands clasped tight as he leaned forward and set his elbows atop his knees.

He hoped, dearly, that Stalk would keep running interference. Either that, or his fearsome looks -- capped with gunmetal gray eyes -- would ward the mayor off. Back in the day, Baldwin heard people describe him as "the beast slayer"; in the years since, he hadn't done much to change his image. Pierce's mere presence made sure the rage stayed carved into his face -- a compliment to the ragged, browned scars, and volatile enough to make his golden hair bristle. Only an act of God let him wear that tie-less suit, half-buttoned or otherwise. One wrong move would have made his muscles shred the entire outfit.

"And did you see the size of them? Bigger than her head! I know I say that a lot, but I mean it this time." Pierce rubbed his chin like some seasoned sage. "Course, that's me making a little, ah, observation. They say anything more than a handful is a waste, so I'd need to give the proper assessment first." He slapped his thigh and flashed a grin. "But man, those mountains! And that huge ass made her dress look painted on!"

Stalk stared dead ahead, unmoved. It would have made Baldwin jealous if he didn't wish his eyes alone could impale the mayor.

"Come on. Being around a girl like that has gotta get you revved up!" Pierce cocked his head. "What, not a fan? I don't blame you. I'm into the willowy type -- but, she carries the weight well. Soft, but smooth; thick, but tight. Just thin enough. Baby doll's got a good personal trainer on --"

"Have you fallen for her?" Stalk asked.

"What? Oh, hell no!" Pierce shook a finger at him. "You don't have to love a girl to ogle of her. You dig?"

Stalk's expression didn't change in the slightest. At most, he only pulled out his notebook and wrote on. "A rose of titans -- wreathed in the mightiest thorns -- draws more than mere blood." He tore out the page and showed it to Pierce, then let it flutter out the window.

Pierce turned to Baldwin. "You see what I have to deal with? This is what I gotta deal with --"

"Enough," said Baldwin.

"Hey, what's with the harsh --?"

"Enough." Baldwin's stare turned volcanic. "Stop. Talking."

Silence followed. Despite his gratitude for it, Baldwin only cooled by five degrees -- so in the end, he drew a deep breath and set his chin on his hands. "Let's get started."

"With what?"

Baldwin shoved the magma down his throat. "Everything tied to your plans and ours. Especially because of her."

"She is worthy of concern," said Stalk.

Baldwin nodded. "What's your take? You are the 'boss' here."

"Yeah, that's right, I am the boss." The sound of it made Pierce's smirk resurface in full, and he lounged in his seat. "What, you think she's worth worrying about? Yeah, she's big, but the odds aren't in her favor."

"Is that right?"

"Sure. If we're talking numbers, there's one of her and plenty of us. Plus, you know the bible. Goliath loses, remember?" Pierce eyed the limo's interior. "Damn, forgot to tell the guys to restock the fridge. Was gonna ask if you wanted a drink, but --"

"She's measurable in stories, and can survive skirmishes with our arms. What will you do if she keeps growing?"

"You mean besides count on you and your guys to take her out?"

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