1: All Of My Flaws

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"Yes, ok, I have to go. Bye" I said quickly as I hung up the phone.

I took a deep breath and threw my phone on the couch next to me. Another call from my mother, another mentally draining conversation. Conversations with my mother were always mentally draining. It was one of the many reasons I made sure to move a good distance away from home when I moved out.

Growing up I knew I was never the daughter she wanted, she made sure to tell me that countless times. She wanted a daughter like my cousin Jessica. Gorgeous, super feminine, always tan, always had her hair and her nails done, always dressed up...she was the epitome of a female and the perfect daughter.

My mother always comparing me to my cousin and almost pitting us against each other our whole lives made me feel inferior to almost every other female I ever knew. It was unhealthy, I know, but it was just another way my mother had royally screwed me up.

I was never good enough for my mom, nothing I ever did was good enough for my mom. My dad had always tried his best to keep the family happy, but shortly after he passed when I was nine I had lost all hope.

I thought when I finally moved out, I wouldn't have to deal with listening to my mother point out all my flaws or tell me everything little thing I've done or will do wrong in my life. I had this tiny hope that being away from her would make her miss me and realize how much she had been hurting me growing up...I was so sadly mistaken.

My mother's new obsession was my cousin's wedding. She had been engaged for less than a week and already my mother was on me. Her new favorite topics were not only that I needed to start putting more effort into my appearance but that men don't go after girls like me and my personal favorite, I was going to die alone.

Whenever my caller ID on my phone tells me it's my mother calling, I mentally and physically shudder. I knew I'd be in for a long conversation. Usually I would prepare for these conversations, but this time I was caught off guard and boy did it hit me hard.

I got up and walked to the kitchen, setting my target on anything that would help the sting my mother had left on me. I grabbed a bottle of wine, opening it quickly before pouring a glass and throwing myself back on the couch. I had just taken a sip when there was a knock on the door.

"I come bearing gifts" William said with a bright smile when I opened the door.

"Gifts? What did you bring?" I said with a small giggle moving to the side so he could come in.

"Well sushi from our favorite place, your favorite cookies from that little bakery we found when we went to get your work uniforms and your best friend" he smiled holding out his arms for a hug.

"I would have gladly just taken the last item on that list" I smiled wrapping him in a hug.

William, another thing my mother liked to get under my skin about. I had met William randomly in a book store, I was looking for a new book to read and he was looking for a gift. Ever since then we'd grown to be almost inseparable.

My mother hated it. She always had to point out that there just had to be another reason he was friends with me, that he had some kind of ulterior motive like he couldn't just enjoy my company. She's made it clear she thought I would fall for him and because I'm not the kind of girl any guy would ever want to be with, I was going to get hurt when he didn't want me back. She could never just accept the fact that he was my best friend and let me be happy.

"Not that I'm complaining but, why all the special gifts today?" I laughed approaching the table where William was unpacking the food.

"You don't know? It's our anniversary Brynn"


"We met exactly one year ago today" he nudged me slightly.

"Oh my god, you're right. My minds been somewhere else entirely lately, I'm so sorry" I made my way around the table to him. "Happy Anniversary, Willy" I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "I totally didn't get you a gift"

"You're the only gift I need silly" he smiled at me turning to pull out a chair and spotting the wine glass on the counter. "Wine? What's wrong?" He asked seriously.

Being my best friend meant that he knew I only drank either socially or when something was wrong. I knew he wouldn't believe me if I told him otherwise.

"My moms just been on a rampage lately" I said sitting at the table.

"Why's that?" He asked taking a seat with me.

"My cousin Jessica got engaged the other day" I shrugged grabbing a plate and handing him one.

"And you...don't like the guy she's marrying?" He asked confused.

"Never met him"

"I'm so confused, why is your cousin getting engaged a bad thing?"

"Because that gives my mom a whole new set of ammo to come at me with. I think it's good for her, I'm sure she was getting tired of telling me how unattractive I am especially compared to Jessica or how you wouldn't want to be friends with me unless it was a dare or a bet or something, now she has a whole new, fresh approach. Telling me all the reasons I'm going to die alone and never be loved" I laughed trying to ease the tension of me spilling everything that was bothering me out.

"She said that to you?" He said softly after a second or two of silence.

"We've talked about this before" I looked at him seriously.

"I know. It just still shocks me. You know none of it is true right?" He placed a hand on my knee rubbing gently. I rolled my eyes at him. "It's not!" He said defensively.

I pulled out my phone and pulled up a picture of my cousin.

"There, that's Jessica" I said sliding my phone on the table to him.

"Not that it matters, but you're much prettier" he continued rubbing my knee soothingly.

"You have to say that, you're my best friend" I said sadly putting my phone away.

"No, I have to tell you the truth because you're my best friend and I am. You're so gorgeous Brynn, I don't know how you don't see it. Guys look at you all the time, trust me...I see it"

I knew why I didn't see it. My mother had ruined me.

"You're a terrible liar Nylander" I laughed focusing back on my food.

Another thing my mother had ruined me with. I never knew how to take a compliment, even from my best friend.

"Whatever you say sweetheart" he chuckled.

We were both silent for a minute or two. I looked over at him and I could tell he had something on his mind. He was looking at me like he wanted to say something but wasn't.

"You look like you're on the edge of telling me something, what's on your mind?" I asked him curiously.

"You want to show your mother how wrong she is about you?" He asked quickly.

"Well yeah, of course I do, but that's not quite possible at the moment" I breathed a laugh looking down at my food.

"Brynn?" William's voice pulled my eyes from my food to his. "I have an idea"

A/N: Once again I would like to recognize mitchyymarns  for all the help to make this book possible when I'm super indecisive! I would also like to extend a thank you to matthews-slut  for helping steer me in the direction of this plot! This book would not be possible without you both! ☺️🥰❤️

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