3: So Happy Together

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"I can't believe you're getting married" Kara said softly as I showed her another dress.

"I can hardly believe it myself" I breathed a laugh looking in the mirror.

"And I haven't even met him" she giggled.

"Well that's your fault, I invited you to hang out with us all the time" I looked at her with a smile.

"Well yeah I was busy. Plus I thought you guys were just friends, I didn't think you were going to end up dating him let alone marrying him" she explained zipping up the back of the dress for me.

Kara was right, who knew it would come to this? People had joked with us that we would end up dating but we always shrugged it off and said it would never happen and now we had skipped that whole phase and were getting married.

"I like this one, it's not too fancy right?" I turned to Kara.

"That depends, where are you getting married?" She eyed me suspiciously.

"Kara..." I trailed off almost with a warning.

"I know, I know no ones supposed to know." She held her hands up in defeat.

"Girl, I don't even know where we're getting married to be honest" I grabbed another dress and headed into the dressing room.

"Wait hold up, you don't know where you're getting married?" She yelled into the dressing room from the outside.

"Nope he said get a dress and leave the rest to him" I yelled out to her.

"So he's taking care of everything, like...everything?" She asked shocked.

"Yep! I told him I would help but he said he had it all under control" I yelled through the door.

"If you weren't marrying him, I would" she laughed. "That's a good man, hold onto him"

I smiled to myself. He was a good man. Honestly, I was lucky to have him and I was lucky to be marrying him, even if it was only because of my mother.

"This one is it" I walked out of the dressing room.

I didn't want to get anything too fancy since I didn't know where exactly we would be getting married. I had tried on, what felt like, every white laced sundress in the county already and I had hope I finally found the one.

"That one is beautiful, hun" Kara instantly came to me to see the dress more up close. "I think it's perfect" she smiled at me.

"Me too" I ran my hands along the front of the dress "this is definitely the dress" I smiled in the mirror.

We checked out and I said my goodbyes to Kara as I left to pack before going to William's place. We had decided to leave the night before so we wouldn't be driving the morning of our wedding.

"I'm ready to leave, fiancé" I called jokingly when I walked into his place.

"Me too" he smiled walking into the living room.

"You're hair is still wet though" I giggled as he approached me wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my cheek.

"It'll be fine" he pulled away running a hand through his hair.

"You could get sick going out with wet hair though" I argued playfully.

"That's a myth babe" he tapped my nose lightly. "Thanks for worrying about me though" he smiled at me.

"I just don't want you getting sick...then I'd have to take care of you" I laughed.

"Aww you'd take care of me if I got sick?" He nudged me slightly.

"Of course I would, tomorrow you'll be my husband. I'll always take care of my husband" I smiled at him before leaning over and kissing his cheek quickly.

He smiled at me and held his stare for a little while longer than I had anticipated.

"Oh" he seemed to almost snap out of it "I bought some food and drinks for the road trip"

He turned to walk to the kitchen and I threw my bag down to follow him.

"It's only a little over a two hour car ride you said" I giggled as he grabbed the two bags from the counter.

"I know how you are with food though, we won't make it on a little over two hour car ride without you getting hungry" he chuckled.

"Ok, you might be right about that" I laughed lightly taking the bags from his hands.

He threw his bag over his shoulder and picked my bag up off the floor. He went to take the bags of snacks and drinks out of my hands before I stopped him.

"I can carry this" I smiled at him.

"You shouldn't carry anything, give me the bags" he grabbed at the bags again with a little laugh.

"Not gonna happen, Nylander. I can carry something to the car" I pulled the bags away from him again.

"Fine, you win. Let's go" he threw an arm around my shoulders and led me to the car.

We threw our bags in the trunk before William looked at me with a smirk.

"Did you pack the dress you picked?" He reached for my bag.

"Stop! You know that's bad luck" I pulled his hand away from the bag as he caught my hand with his own and pulled me to him.

"It'll be worth the wait to see how beautiful you look in it tomorrow I guess" he smiled down at me.

I looked up into his eyes and gave him a slight smile. We stayed like that for a good few seconds and it wasn't until I saw him break and his eyes darted to my lips quickly that I knew exactly what he wanted. It was sweet he was holding back for what I assumed was my benefit.

"You can kiss me you know. I mean if you want to, you'll be-" he caught my lips with his own cutting me off.

He was going to be my husband after all. Add to that the fact that he had turned out to be an amazing kisser. I had never thought about what kind of kisser he would be until his kissed me when he said we should get married. There was just something about the way he kissed me that made me almost want to melt and I never thought that would happen with him.

"Now we can go get married" he grinned when he pulled away.

With a small giggle I followed him to where he was holding the passenger side door open for me and got in the car. We had made it about a half hour on the road before I realized William was completely right about bringing snacks. I was digging through the snacks he brought when my phone rang.

I looked at it seeing my moms name on the caller ID. I debated answering it before I heard William speak.

"Your mom?" He took a quick glance at me.

"Yeah" I nodded still debating whether or not to answer it.

"Don't answer it. Tonight and tomorrow are supposed to be a happy time" he rested his hand on my knee.

"You're right. No, you're absolutely right" I hit decline and put my phone down. "Only happiness tonight and tomorrow" I smiled over at him. "You were right about the snacks too, that was a good call" I went back to the snacks as he chuckled watching, his hand never leaving my knee.

"Guess I just know my future wife" he rubbed my knee gently making me smile.

That was something that I knew for sure. In the year we had known each other he had gotten to know more about me than almost any other person in my life. Mostly because he was one of the only people to ever care to know so much about me. Even if it wasn't the kind of love people usually get married for, I was glad I was at least marrying a man who loved me in any way period.

Stay - William Nylander [Toronto Maple Leafs]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora