Ch.25- Coock🤭🤭🤭

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Sasaki's P.O.V

I sat on my chair huffing my cheeks out.

Midnight called everyone's name while I kept on thinking.

'How am I gonna face him? Are things going well or worse? Is it okay that I told him that liked him in such a filthy way? Was he shocked or glad... Or even mad at me because of my foolishness?'

It's now lunchtime and I still didn't talk to him when he was just there sitting Infront of me, eating.

"Say, Sasaki... muwhat does Kanoha lock like?" Mina asked me while her mouth full.

"Hmm... It's hard to describe but, It's full of trees just like the name," I answered.

"Oh, I feel excited..." I giggled at her.

"Bakugou, my man!"

"Shut up, Shittyhair,"

"You said you wanna talk to Miss Uchiha!" I choked on my food. "...So I figured you need a push,"

Bakugou's P.O.V

I looked at him and signaled him to follow.



"Whoops... So, what do you want me to do?"


"Oi! Sasaki! Over here!" Shitty hair called up.

"What is it, Kirishima-kun?"

"Well, Mina and I are thinking if we could go to the park! to have some fun of course!"

She blinked, "Um- Sure? I guess It's been a while since we-"

"OKAY! THAT'S GREAT! We'll pick you at your apartment later~" Mina said looking creepy.

'...' I irked. 'They better not mess this thing up, or else!'

 'They better not mess this thing up, or else!'

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"I thought, it was just the three of us...?

"We didn't say that...!" Kirimina said at the same time.


"STFU! You're annoying!"

"You're both annoying!" Mina said. "Let's eat, my stomach's hungry!" she whined.


We sat at a table with 4 chairs, Mina sitting beside Kirishima the giving each other weirdly. Unfortunately, for me, I'm sitting with the hoe.

"WOW! That's a cool restroom!" Kirishima gave Mina a look.

"Huh- Y-YEAH!!! I wanna check it out! Let's go Kiri!!!" she said while they hoped their together.

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