☰ᴏɴᴇ - ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ɢɪꜰᴛ☰

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A month from now, if you had told Dream that he was going to be flown out to London in order to spend the holiday season with his best friend, he may not have believed that what started as a far-fetched joke had become a reality.

He had undergone an excruciating process of planning everything through without drawing any suspicious from George himself. With minor help from his friends here and there, a bit of string-pulling from himself, and a crap-ton of persistence, he managed to get in contact with George's older sister, Cara.

To say that she was down for the idea was an understatement. Cara was eager to help pull together this odd but intriguing meetup, insisting upon him staying at George's house where she would be rooming for the holidays as well.

In a matter of weeks, the two of them had everything sorted out from plane ticket costs to living arrangements to how long he would be staying (which ended up being set at a two-week minimum).

So, with a week left until Dream would fly out across the seas to spend the end of the year with his friend, he spent a majority of his time fantasizing about what was to come when they saw each other for the first time.

He would think about how much Cara seemed just like George through texts, the same energy being conveyed from both of the Brits. He would think about how quickly his few friends were willing to help just to get the two of them together. He would think about the future feeling of the brunet in his arms, hugging him close as he took in Dream's features for the first time.

Though, all he was allowing his brain to currently fixate on was the process of overlapping music to his newest video and carrying on a conversation with his two best friends at the same time.

He leaned back in his dark chair and watched George's stream, muted, on one of his monitors with an editing program on the other. Sapnap was in a TeamSpeak with the two of them and George was currently going on about how stupid his world spawns had been. Sapnap laughed from his end putting on a fake British accent to taunt the other.

"Oh shut up Gogy," he said, enunciating the nickname. "We all know it's only because you're trash." George gasped, letting a mock-dramatic expression take over his face while shaking his head. He made his character shift positions, pressing F3, and punched the air around him as he ran down an open plains biome.

"Hmm I'm trash, Sapnap?" He went back into first-person mode and locked onto his target: A nearby skeleton that was watching idly as he came closer, bow in hand and ready to shoot. "Okay, okay, okay, okay. Pretend you're that skeleton, right?" Sapnap let out a low 'mhm' as he watched George kill the skeleton without losing any health. "That was me to you."

"What does that have to do with Sapnap being trash?" Dream laughed out, popping back into the conversation and shifting his gaze over to his other monitor just in time to see George roll his eyes on stream.

"It represents him being bad, duh." Now it was Dream's turn to roll his eyes as he turned his attention back to the video he was clipping.

"How does you killing 'me'," he put a sarcastic emphasis on the word, "show that I'm bad? I'm sorry that the NPC didn't fight back?" Sapnap burst out laughing again and Dream joined in, chuckling softly while George just stayed quiet, making his way through a birch biome now, following the eye of ender he had thrown which, in turn, broke.

"Why? Every time?" He sighed out, waving his hands exasperatingly in the air.

"See George? I told you you were trash."

"Zip it, Sapnap." Dream just shook his head at his friend's banter and put his full focus into trimming down music to fit a certain intense spot in the video.

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