Strange Encounters

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I woke up to the sound of muffled noises from outside. The knocks on my door were disjointed and obnoxiously getting louder. I crawled out of bed, quickly fixed myself up and stomped towards the door, not sure what, or perhaps even who, to expect. As soon as I opened the door, a flurry of girls with cameras appeared before me and started squealing. I stood there blocking my face from the flashes with a loss for words. Upon the sight of me, the squeals died down and turned into groans and yells of anger.

'Ugh, who is this !?' The girl right in front of me exclaimed, sweeping her glare up and down at me. 'It's not this room either. Are you sure it was this level?' She yelled at the girl next to her. 'It's on this level I swear!' the girl beside her replied, as she busily deleted the pictures of me off her camera.

Suddenly, they all turned their heads towards the sound of movement from next door. The door flung open and in an instant, they all looked like hungry dogs at the sight of fresh meat. The high-pitched squealing became unbelievably deafening at such a close range. 'SARANGHAE OPPA! OPPA! OPPA! SARANGHAE! KYAAAAH~' was all I could hear in varying high pitches. What on earth was going on? I peered outside to my right as they rushed towards next door to see what all the commotion was about. All I could see was a group of girls surrounding someone at the door and taking photos non-stop at the speed of light.

'HEY!' A voice boomed from the end of the corridor. I turned to my left to see security guards rushing towards the group of girls who quickly bolted off. My eyes followed the security guards as they ran past me and then I saw the person standing at the door of the room next to mine. He had bright caramel hair and was wearing a black singlet and grey tracksuit pants. He was barely holding onto the pile of gifts in his arms. A round box of chocolates dropped onto the floor from the pile and rolled over to me. Before I could give it back to the guy, he had disappeared back into the room. I groaned and walked over.

'Um, excuse me.' I said loudly. He carefully placed all the gifts in the corner and returned to the door. He seemed a bit reluctant to respond to me.

'Sorry, I think this is yours,' I quickly glanced down at the name written on the box, 'Sungjoo.'

The guy looked confused at first and then a small thankful smiled grew on his face as he reached over to grab the box. 'Thanks.' From behind, another guy popped up beside him. It took me a while to realize it was the guy on the balcony from last night.

'Oh! It's you!' The tall guy exclaimed and flashed me a charming smile. The caramel-haired guy looked at him with confusion and simultaneously handed the box of chocolates over to him. I forced a smile and politely bowed towards them. Just as I was about to step back and return to my own place, the sounds of yelling and screaming came back from down the corridors. The tall guy, who I assumed was named Sungjoo, hurriedly grabbed my wrist to pull me inside and closed the door behind me.

'What are you doing!?' I frantically asked loudly, taken aback by the turn of events. With a worried look on his face, he brought a finger to his lips and let out a quiet 'Sssshhhhhh'. All three of us stood dead still and heard the muffled yells of the security guards and cursing of the girls from behind the door. Once the noise died down completely, the caramel-haired guy stormed off yelling 'Yixuan!', leaving me at the door with Sungjoo. He looked at me blankly for a second and then let go of my wrist. My feet were glued to the ground, my head spinning with confusion.Who were they? Will they let me me leave? Will I die tonight? In the midst of my thoughts, another tall guy with rather small face and pitch black hair came out from one of the rooms with the orange-haired guy.

'That's ridiculous. How did they find...Who is that girl?' He said in fluent Mandarin. He stealthily looked at me, nervously smiled and returned his attention to other guy. 'Why'd you guys drag her in here?' He half-whispered.

'It's okay, she's not a fan...' The caramel-haired guy replied in Mandarin whilst quickly glancing at me, 'at least, I don't think she is...'

'We'll deal with all this later. I'll go apologise to the building managers first. Wenhan, come with me.' Yixuan rushed towards the door and hurriedly put on his jacket and sneakers. Wenhan lazily followed behind him.

'How did they even know ...?' I heard him mumble before he left.

To break the silence that followed, Sungjoo cleared his throat. 'Sorry about all this. Yixuan is just being cautious because we just recently moved here and he's in charge of us whilst our manager is away for a bit.'

I nodded stiffly. Manager? Why do they have a manager? Who are these guys? I awkwardly looked around the place. It was identical to mine, except a lot messier. How many of them even live here?

'Nice PJs by the way.' Sungjoo cheekily grinned at me.

I looked down and realized I hadn't changed due to the ruckus and was still in my white PJs with little rabbits on them. I nervously tried to laugh it off but died a bit inside out of embarrassment.

Suddenly, a beautiful boy with long blonde hair tied back walked into room and lazily asked 'What's with all the noise?' I couldn't help but giggle at his cute cow onesie. He froze at sight of me and stopped rubbing his eyes, clearly confused. He walked backwards and hid himself behind the door.

'Um...who is she? Why is she here?' He frowned.

'She's...sorry what was your name?' Sungjoo asked.


'She's Chi.' Sungjoo beamed at the boy. The boy glared at Sungjoo, displeased with the response.

'Chi...I see.' He quickly bowed and went back into his room.

'This may seem rude but...may I leave?' I finally asked.

'What? Yeah. Yeah, of course.' He said, his tone reflecting how absurd he must have thought my question was. He opened the door for me and smiled. 'See you around.'

'Yeah, see you.' I said and rushed off.

It was only my second day in Seoul and weird things were already happening.

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As I turned back, I saw an elevator door about to close and called out 'Wait!' A hand stuck out from inside to stop the door and I rushed inside. 'Thank you.' I quietly said to the guy inside. He wore a black beanie and a fake glasses frame. He had a really cute face and was also quite tall like the other guys I had just met. In his hands were a few plastic bags full of what looked like various snacks and potato chips.

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