side story: The hunters Dream

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( I should clarify that this also has the world of bloodborne in it because it a cool game so yeah just wanted to add that lads so enjoy )

( no one pov )

y/n had awaken in a strange place, it felt as if he was in a dream of some sort yet his thought was broken as he heard a soft voice speak to him 

???: welcome to the hunters dream stranger 

y/n bounced up looking around startled until he felt no danger causing him to settle down slightly, the doll inspected y/n walking around him while poking his armor.

???: it is quite strange to see someone in mostly metal considering the dangers that lurk in yharnam 

y/n: come again 

doll: you see i am doll and .... ah good hunter you have returned 

y/n: huh 

before y/n could react something made impact on his back armor plate and he smelled something sulforus and slightly metalic so he turned his head to see a man at an average height dressed in a gray coat with black leather armor sporting a top hat but most two noticeable things was the strange contraption that was smoking in his left hand while in his right a large blade was held.

???: stranger why are you here

y/n: calm down mate I just woke up here 

doll: maybe Gherman can help 

???: doll I dont think we can trust this man at a time like this 

y/n: I am very confused at the moment can one of you two just tell me who can help ,e

Doll: hunter is it okay if I tell him about Gherman

???: *sigh* well you already said his name

Hunter: well then stranger the name is Hunter and welcome to the hunters dream/workshop now if you'll follow me i can take you to the man who runs this place.

so y/n gave his name to the hunter and followed him to up the stairs into the "hunters workshop", y/n was then met with a comfortable feeling as he heard the crackling of the fireplace while gazing at the many books until a voice broke his thought once more

Gherman: ahhh Hunter you have returned and who is this friend of yours 

Hunter: he says his name is y/n and he woke up in the hunters dream not knowing how

Gherman: I see, by any chance have you come to yharnam for a blood transfusion 

y/n: a what 

Hunter: so that rules out that

Gherman: ahh but you do seem to be a warrior of some kind 

y/n: aye a fighter that i am 

doll: maybe the soul of a great one may help him gherman

the doll suddenly appearing scared the 3 men earning a soft giggle from her, the doll and gherman then spent some time explaining what great ones are to y/n and he caught on quick since they were just the gods of this world.

y/n: well this is quite the surprise, never would have expected that there would be several gods like earth but I must ask how do you leave this baron place 

yet just as he asked that child like beings sprouted from the ground clinging to his legs and it was the least to say that he was creeped out from them fortuneatly just when he was about to burn them hunter slapped y/n upside the head causing him to stop and apologize 

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