Chapter 7: Clashing Worlds

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your pov

I along with the rest of the team were walking along the docks chatting about random things along with the vytal festival which had me worried to death about what would happen, I counldnt pinpoint when the vision took place but many people from different schools were fleeing beacon on ships and the atlas military was fighting off grimm in the sky.

y/n: dammit if only I knew the time 

Skadi: you seem troubled y/n

y/n: yeah uhhh Freya team rwby is over there why dont you get to know them Ruby is the perfect friend for you trust me 

Freya: okay sure?

Freya gose over to greet team rwby leaving Loki Skadi and me to discuss the vision I had of beacon because it has troubled me for some time and I can barely rest without the thought of Ruby getting hurt since I was to busy doing something useless instead of performing my task of being a guardian.

y/n: ive been having visions of beacon being invaded by white fang and grimm 

Loki: isnt the headmaster of the academy an old friend why not tell im sure he could trust 

y/n: the thing is he dosent know im alive yet

Skadi: well you're going to have to tell sooner or later, stress is not good for someone of your age ha ha

y/n/Loki: Skadi never attempt a joke ever again I think I might die next time

Skadi: tsk men

she then went over along to Freya while it felt she was glaring me and Loki down though her head was turned around, I swear im going to meet my end to a woman one of these days with my attitude anyway team rwby along with Freya and skadi  suddenly rused down the street

Loki: the hell happened

y/n: lets find out mate

we proceeded to run after the girls to see a sad sight a dust store had been robbed of all its dust, we had arrived beside the girls to see them talking to the detectives so Loki and I were about to leave until

Weiss: hmph the white fang what an awful bunch of degenerates 

y/n/Loki: true dat 

Freya: I agree with ivy and y/n the white fang should be terminated 

Blake: arent you three animals of some sort 

y/n/Freya: watch it i can have my reptilian features and not support those bunch

Loki: same with my horns

Weiss: atleast some people see the truth, some just dont care for the criminally insane 

Blake: the white fang is hardly a bunch of psycopaths, there are a collection of misguided faunus 

y/n: blyat 

Weiss: MISGUIDED they want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet

y/n:*whisper* damn I forgot they wanted to do that, though it wasnt always like that right blake

Blake: ok then very misguided, either way that dosent explain why they would rob a dust store in the middle of downtown vale 

y/n/Loki: ok kaptain 

Skadi: y/n, Ivy stop

y/n: yeah yeah im going back to the dorm im getting to old for this worlds crap

Loki: okay old man just dont go around on a one of your rampages its a pain in the ass to stop those

y/n: were the same age ivy also dont worry a...... friend whipped something up for me so dont worry

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