Chapter 1

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~Sarah's POV~

I grabbed my snowboard and ran out. I went to the shed," Im going out! I'll be back by 9!"

With that I ran to the bus stop. I don't even know why I tell him. He doesn't care.

When the bus came I hopped on and sat in the way back. At the next stop, I got off. I walked to the top of the hill and got ready to snowboard. Then I pushed myself down.

I just love the feeling of the wind through my hair. I did some tricks on the jumps and glided to the bottom. There I just sat and smiled.

Then I heard a sniffle. I got curious and went over to see what happened. I saw a boy around my age on the bench. He looked like he was on his phone. I crept up behind him and saw that he was looking at Twitter. I read some of the comments and gasped. He turned around and I saw he was crying.

"No one has the right to say stuff like that to you," I told him.

"How would you know that? How do you know that I'm not like that?" He snapped at me.

"Hey," I said as I walked around the bench. "I know that you aren't like that cause if you were, why would you be crying. I know what it's like to feel neglected and unliked by everyone, but I can tell you one thing. You are liked. Instead of looking at the glass half empty, look at it half full."

"And how do I do that?"

"You look at all the nice and good comments. Or instead of looking at that thing, why don't you come snowboarding with me."

"Why should I trust you?" He asked me.

"You don't have to, but I know I wouldn't want to mope around on a beautiful day like today. If you don't live in the present, then you miss all the open doors that could change your life."

"Nice quote. I would listen to you but it's kinda hard with my past experience with girls like you."

"Oh just like me," I smirked. "You aren't going to meet any other girls like me. You may think you have in the short run, but in the long one, I'm one of a kind.

He laughed at that. "What's with all the quotes?" He asked.

"What's with all the sadness?"

"Touché my friend touché," he told me.

"Yes! Haha!"

"What?" He looked so confused. It was kinda cute.

"You just admitted that I was your friend. What got you to trust me?"

He thought for a moment. "I guess it's because your so funny. I find that people like you can't keep a secret that well."

My mouth dropped open. He laughed. "Well I'm glad a funny person like me can make you laugh. Now how 'bout we do what we came here for. Snowboard.

"Ok," he said and started walking up to the ski lift.

Authors note: This is my first book so please feel free to give me some friendly advice. It would be much appreciated.

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