The Real Truth

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The life in your eyes start to disappear until Overhaul quickly dropped you to the floor.

You coughed and held your neck, you heard him laugh, "there we go Y/n it wasn't that hard!" He started to take off his right glove.

You had the look of fear, you tried to move away from him, "please think this over, we where friends!" He is still holding your neck.

He didn't say anything but grabbed you by the arm, he pulled you up, you tried to pull yourself away from him.

He started to walk back to his building, you tried to stop him from pulling you but you couldn't stop him.

You turned your head to the outside world until you was pulled inside and the door was closed.

You turned back to him, he pulled you to his chest, you looked into his golden eyes, he sighed.

"Take her to my room and Crono go find Eri!" He ordered, you was pulled away from him.

You screamed the name you hadn't said in years, "chisaki!" He stopped with his back to you, "put her in my room now!".

Crono nodded as he dragged you along, a tear went down your face, Crono opened a door as you you was pushed inside.

You flew to the floor, you layed there as Crono locked the door behind you, his face came into your mind as you covered your soaked tear face.

What felt like a century later, the door opened to him, you looked up to him, his eyes had darken since the last time you meet in childhood.

"Thanks to you, my drug to destroy quirks has vanished!" chisaki started to take off the ridiculous mask, your eyes widened at the sight.

He turned away from you, "Drug to destroy quirks?" You asked confused, "Eri was the main reason, until my men captured you!" Chisaki walked to his wardrobe.

"Why did they kidnap me?" You sat up a bit, "I asked them too, I know now I shouldn't have.."

He opened the wardrobe door, you looked at Chisaki, "you sick bastard, Eri is a child!" You shouted at him.

Chisaki laughed, "so what she's a child-" he was saying until you got up and slapped him.

"What happened to the Kai Chisaki I used to know, your grandfather changed you-" you where saying until Chisaki grabbed your wrists.

He pushed you backwards onto his bed, you stared at him on top of you, "don't you talk about my grandfather like that!"

You looked away from him, "It's true and you know it" you whispered turning your head back to him.

He sighed and got off you.

You layed back up, he put back on his mask and opened the door as crono came in.

"These are the clothes you asked for Overhaul." the man gave you a hospital gown.

"Get changed!" Chisaki ordered you, you threw the gown on the ground, "no I won't, I won't be your little puppet!"

You stood up and tried to run up to him but crono blocked you.

"Miss please get changed." You tried to push him you saw Chisaki walk off.

"If you touch one hair on her head I'll fucking kill you Overhaul!" you screamed, you was pushed back into Overhaul's room.

Crono locked the door, "master told me not to open this door until your changed." You sat down on the bed and crossed your arms.

"Shit, looks like I'll have to play by his rules!" You looked at the gown.

You pulled off the officers jacket and towel, you pulled the gown over your body quickly.

"Alright I'm ready!" you shouted as the  opened the door, this is definitely not my style. you thought.

|With Overhaul (Chisaki)|

He sighed and sat on his sofa and rubbed his head, damn why does Y/n keep making things difficult. he thought.

|Flash back|

"But grandfather she's my friend!" young Chisaki's grandfather sighed

"I know Chisaki but some day your going to take over this Yakuza some day." he looked away from his grandfather.

"I know how you feel Chisaki I was like you at your age, in love with a girl but I had to do what was right and run the Yakuza!"

young Chisaki asked, "what happened to the girl you liked?" As his grandfather looked down..

"I had to kill her.."

|End of flashback|

Chisaki blinked back down to earth as he heard his door being knocked on, you came into the light.

"Here she is master overhaul." Chisaki let Crono go, you looked around the room.

There was a operating table you blinked, Back to square one. you thought.

"Follow me." You didn't say anything and followed him to the operating table, You stared at him as you followed him, "what is going to happen to me?"

He turned to you pulling up his sleeves, "I'm going to take away your quirk, of course." Your eyes went wide.

You turned around and tried to run but Overhaul caught your arm, he threw you onto the table.

"Now y/n hold still..."

|Next chapter: He loves you, he loves you not!|

The Real Truth | Overhaul (Kai) x Reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora