Kai's Coat

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You awoke as the bright lights turned on, you turned on your side as Eri hugged you in her sleep.

You smiled as you put your fingers through her hair, the sound of the door opening made you shoot up and grab Eri protectively.

Two men in masks came in, one had a taser in his hands, the other tried to grab Eri from you.

You kicked at the man, the other electrocuted you in the arm, Eri awoke with your scream as the other man dragged Eri from your arms.

"Eri!" The man held you down as Eri was taken away and out the room, the man then got off you as he turned his back to you.

You quickly got the pillow your head was just on and whacked it hard on the man's head.

He was unaffected and carried on walking to the door, you ran at him and jumped on his as you put him in a head lock.

The man tried to get you off as he lifted the taser to your arm around his neck, you cursed as you fell to the floor in pain.

"Master was right you are a feisty woman." You took a deep breath before feeling your arm again.

The man grabbed the door, "what are you doing to her!" The man turned his masked face to you.

"Testing." He then left leaving you in the quiet room.

You bit your lip before banging your fist on the floor out of frustration, tears started to come at the corners of your eyes.

You looked up to the camera, "You fucker!" You turned to the door keeping you locked from the outside world.

You took a step to the wall before running at full force at the door, you fell back to the floor.

You got up and did it again and again.

But nothing...

You let out a cry as you ran at the door again, the glass fell and cut your skin, your shaking legs stood up again.

You started to run again, the door quickly opened to crono, he catched you as you fell into his arms.

"You crazy woman, master won't like this." You tried to lift yourself up, "You can tell your master to go fuck himself.." Crono picked you up.

You smirked to yourself as crono leaded you somewhere, "finally out there.." you said to yourself.

|With Eri|

"Eri shut up I can't concentrate!" Eri cried as a needle was put through her skin, Eri kept crying and moving even while being held down.

Overhaul put down the needle as he slapped Eri's cheek, Eri immediately stopped crying, "see it wasn't that hard?" Eri closed her eyes tightly.

Overhaul was about to pick up the needle again before the door was kicked open to see Crono carrying you.

Eri lifted her head to you, Overhaul ran over, he looked over the cuts all across your arms.

"What happened?" Crono placed you down on Overhaul chair, "she tried to escape Master." You slowly turned your head to Eri.

You smiled at her, you slowly stood up and walked over to Eri, you lifted your hand to her cheek.

"You okay?" Eri slowly nodded her head, you took off her restraints as she quickly sat up and hugged you.

Overhaul watched both you and Eri, he saw you slowly start to fall to the side, Eri's horn started to glow as your wounds started to heal.

Overhaul came over, you watched as the cuts disappeared, you gasped at the sight as if you was brand new.

Eri smiled up at you, he smile fell when she saw Overhaul, you quickly put Eri behind you.

"How interesting.." you quickly grabbed a needle from the table and ran at him, he grabbed your arm and put it behind your back.

Eri screamed, "stop your going to break her arm!" Overhaul smirked before pushing you next to Eri.

Overhaul lifted his gloves, "Crono send them both to a new a room," Crono was about to grab you, "and separate them."

You shook your head, "you will fucking not, don't you see how scared she is!" Overhaul laughed as he held his stomach.

"Don't you know? No I guess you fucking hero's wouldn't," Overhaul pointed at Eri, "her parents willing face her to me." You shook your head.

"That's a lie! Right?" You turned to Eri, she looked down to her feet, "So what! That was there decision, not hers!" You lifted Eri off the table and held her.

Eri held onto you as Overhaul grabbed your arm to stop you as he activated his quirk.

You screamed as your arm turned blocky, your arm had disappeared, Eri touched where your arm was as her horn glowed again.

Your arm was back, you walked backwards as you made a run for it, "Get them!" Overhaul screamed.

You didn't know where you running too, Eri watched over your back, "there coming!" You lifted your hand to her head.

The wall next to you broke down, you rolled away as more of Overhaul's men chased after you and Eri.

You saw door with an exit sign on the top, you used your shoulder as you ran into it but it didn't even budge.

Eri screamed, you turned around to Overhaul's men, "shit, shit! Just leave us be!"

Overhaul moved through his men, "stop this, please.." your mind went to both yours and his childhood.

You shook your head, Overhaul sighed before grabbing your arm and some other men grabbed Eri.

Everything slowed down, you turned to Overhaul, "I take back what I thought." Overhaul said nothing but took you to his room.

The first thing you saw was his coat..

|Next chapter: Hero's, villain's and Mafia|

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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