Dress Casual

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I had been trying for several days to see Olivia, but no avail. I'm starting to think that she is avoiding me, but I can't force her to hang out with me. The last time we seen each other, was the night I caught up with my army mates and they loved how I was "positively glowing". I knew it was because of Olivia. We were both going through some shitty breakups with our exes who screwed one another, but after her checking to see if it would affect our budding friendship/romance, maybe I should have asked how she truly felt. Kicking myself as my thoughts were running in my head. "Morning Carmen."

"Morning Callie, no receptionist this morning?"

"They usually start later. You are earlier than normal."

"Yeah, I need to work out some ...never mind." I looked at Callie who gave me a sympathetic smile. "How's Olivia?"

"You haven't seen her?"

"No. Last time I seen her was around five days ago."

"Well, she has been working hard. Listen, Olivia is a little...tender on the inside. I know you all had a mild run in with Polly and handled it well, but internally, I don't think Olivia handled the new information well."

I looked at Callie. "I knew I shouldn't have left. I went to hang out with my army buddies, but I didn't necessarily make that clear to her." Callie gave me a sympathetic smile.

"She would have understood. Just give her time, but don't give up on her."

"I don't intend to, but she can't keep avoiding me, it doesn't help matters."

"You really like her, huh?"

I could feel the colour in my cheeks changing. "Yeah, I do...quite a bit. Anyway, be seeing you Callie." I watched Callie's eyebrow raise and a smile appeared on her face that I couldn't quite understand.

"Have a good workout but don't kill my boxing bag!!" I let out a chuckle and shook my head and walked away. As I was walking away, Callie whispered to herself, "Thanks Amanda." I have no clue what she means by that, maybe another colleague walked on after I left.



"I'm telling you Ollie; you could potentially damage your...friendship with Carmen."

"I don't know what you mean, Callie"

"The lass looked crushed this morning when she came into workout, she thinks you're avoiding her." I felt absolutely rotten when I heard that. This is my issue, not hers.

"But I'm not! I'm just trying to get my head in order."

"I would like to say it do it fast, but I know that's not how it works."

"I will touch base. Actually, is she still in?" Callie checked the clock. It was a little after nine.

"More than likely. You know what she is like when she gets in the zone.

"Can I..."




I was on the mat and had just finished my rope work and I was about to set up some kettlebells when I looked up. I adore it when Olivia walks into the gym. That walk of someone who is confident in their job role. She noticed me looking and gave me a smile and walked straight over to me. "Can we talk?"

"Sure. When?"

"I don't want to do it here..."

"Of course. Can I take you out to dinner tonight and we can talk then?" Olivia gave me that smile that I have come to know.

Dancing With A Stranger (GH Series Book 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang