The aftermath

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I know what it's like when you are internally worrying about something so, I made the decision that I am not going to push Carmen to talk but after the phone call last night, she became really quiet. The quietest I've ever heard her since we first met, which is unusual for her. I kept getting lost in my head and sitting in front of the computer in the office going over my PT session bookings, Callie came into the office. "How are you today after yesterday?" I knew that she was referring to the meet up session with Polly.

"Honestly, I am the best I have been in a long time. It was a long overdue conversation really. But when I got home, Tammy was trying to get Carmen back."

"Seriously? Bit relentless them two aren't they?"

"I think it was a ploy, but it didn't affect Carmen or me. If anything, it's brought us closer together." Callie gave me a massive grin; I know she has a soft spot for Carmen.

"That's great though! I do feel you both are more suited than..." Callie stopped talking as Polly came into the office.

"Morning to you both."

"Morning Polly."

"Morning. Anyway, as I was saying, I'm more than willing to cover Gemma's classes if you need me." I thank my lucky stars knowing that Gemma is off so I could redirect the conversation.

"That's great Olivia. Just make sure you fuel up. I don't want you burning out."

"I will. What will you do for the days I can't cover?"

"I can help if you want?" In all the time I've worked with Polly, she has rarely offered herself up for extra shifts, it makes me wonder what the hell she is up to. I have concluded that I will always wonder what Polly will be plotting or her intentions behind her sentiments.

"I will check to see if you are on shift."

"No worries." Callie left the room and I finished what I needed to do and then went over to the water filler and started to fill up my water bottle and I swear that I could see Polly's mind working.

"Does your new girl know your...secret?"

"I have no secrets, Polly."

"Your... kink." I smiled briefly and shook my head.

"You are such a cow Polly. You will honestly stop at nothing until you see me single. Yes she knows. I told her after we met yesterday and after she threw Tammy out, again.


"You heard me. Anyway, yesterday brought us closer in more than one way, so whatever your little ploy didn't work." I grabbed my water bottle and headed to the gym floor. Spring in my step ready to take the circuits class. No one is going to bring me down today, no one.



I'm pacing my back yard like I'm a caged animal. That phone call last night, really rattled me. What the hell did Jordan think she was doing going against protocol and endangering her life. If it is the same group that held me...Jordan will not survive their brutality, I nearly didn't. It took me all my strength to take their beatings, which were daily. I had so many cuts and bruises, a few broken ribs. Then I heard them discuss even more brutality which scared me to death. No one outside of the army knew what I went through, not even Tammy. I couldn't talk about it, but I got great support from my comrades, especially Franco and Jordan.

I received the best after care and came out of the situation a stronger and more mindful person. I'm considering telling Liv. I don't want any secrets between us, and we've agreed to have an open and honest relationship and I want to honour that. I've not had any further updates from Franco, it's risky him even contacting me. I need to run off this pent-up anger. I went back inside, grabbed my water, ear buds and started running. I have to gear up to tell Liv.

Dancing With A Stranger (GH Series Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora