( 001 )

638 43 10

Song: optional
~~~ = perspective change
September 19, 2019
He drew a new paper from the printer with a delicate and pale, slightly shaking hand.
His eyes scanned his new patient's information.
Adam Skinner
89 KG
182 CM
Type B
23 years old
To the right of his medical information, there was his ID picture.
Energetic brown eyes and curly black hair and a perfect face shape, a sight he would have never expected to be seen on someone whom to be emitted into the emergency room...
His hand dragged across the words on the paper.
Cause of injury:
Attempted Suicide
Due to suicide...
He sighed and wondered what could lead such a pretty looking boy to suicide? Just last night, the young man had attempted suicide by hanging. Luckily, his neighbor realized that he hadn't called her when he said, so she went to check on him, and before it was too late, she shoved him in her car and drove over here around 1am. Upon arrival and a body inspection, a nurse found many violent, bloody cuts and nasty burns along his legs, arms and stomach. They also found more than one harmful drugs flowing in his veins. Such as heroine and an antidepressant drugs. Despite his previous actions against himself, he was calm throughout the body inspection and went along with the instructions throughout the night.
Now, it was time for his morning checkup and Syk was the lucky one to be set out on duty. He folded the paper in half and placed it in his pocket. He left the printer room and headed down hallway B. At the end of the hallway, he pushed the up button and entered the elevator as the doors open. He pressed level 3. He pulled out the paper again and unfolded it and scanned the boy's biological information. According to it, Mr. Skinner was just about the same age as himself, standing at a lowly 23. He couldn't help but wonder what thoughts would lead such an inexperienced boy to end his life so horribly. He scanned his cause of injury one last time.
Cause of injury:
Attempted suicide

He sighed as the doors opened to hallway D. Syk took one last deep breath and headed to where his new patient laid, with only an IV keeping him alive. Syk wasn't a psychiatrist but, in high school, he took summer classes to understand how people felt when confronted with extreme grief and sadness. Usually, they take it out on themself. In different forms, such as alcohol addiction, self harm, drug addiction, and other self destructing addictions. With this in mind, he walked down the hallway to room 405 and opened the door. With one look at the boy, all of his previous knowledge disappeared into thin air. His hair was not as curly as it was before, dark eye bags sat under his not-so-energetic brown eyes. The slight blush on his cheeks was gone and his face was pale. In place of his curly black hair, Mr. Skinner's hair was flat, with small curls at the ends, too small to notice. In place of his brown eyes, lifeless grayish blue eyes stared at the ceiling.
"H-hello...? M-m-mr. Skinner?" Syk croaked out as loud as his voice would allow. All his life, he had an issue with speaking to people, he fully believed that working in the medical field would give him a head start for fixing his confidence. The corpse slowly turned his head toward Syk, with the sudden burst of excitement, Syk inhaled, "Good! You are...Awake." He approached the boy and picked up his right wrist, scanning for the needle that was feeding him his live saving drug. To his surprise, the only thing on his arm was blood, coating the right side of his hospital robe and the right side of the bed. "Oh...Myyyyy!" Syk quickly started his search for the needle and once he finally found it underneath the bed, he wiped the spot with an alcohol wipe, Mr. Skinner wincing at the sting. He replaced everything and got back on track. Had he pulled out his IV? This hasn't been the first time Syk had to deal with IV's being pulled out, but to his knowledge, they were always 99% accidental. Past patients always called for a nurse if the accident occurred. How long had he had it been since he pulled out? If he was late to this checkup, would he still be alive? While he was replacing the IV, Syk had noticed a small tattoo on his forearm. The tattoo read, "Corpse_Husband" and a bunny icon beneath it. Syk knew someone named Corpse Husband and had this exact same tattoo. It had been 3 years since they broke up. Maybe it's just a fan. Hopefully. Syk didn't want to come in contact with Corpse ever, ever, again. Even though he still loved him. He sighed at the thought of Corpse.
This 'fan' has so many similarities to Corpse.
The hands.
The hair.
The face.
The tattoo.
But, there's no absolute way that he became a NURSE and then randomly 3 years later the corpse that he thought he knew attempts suicide and he gets to take care of him? There's a 1 in 0.0000000000000001% chance that would happen.
Everything reminded him of Corpse. No matter how many times he shook these thoughts out of his head, they came back to haunt him. Syk stood up and walked towards the boy.
"Mr. Sk-kinner? I-I'm going to c-check your pulse. Is that o-okay? I-It's a req-quirement." The corpse slowly nodded and Syk put his two fingers to top of his neck, feeling the small pulse that usually made him cringe, but he was used to the feeling by now. Syk pulled his fingers away and asked a simple question, "A-are you hu-ungry?" There was no response. Syk sat in the silence and broke it a couple seconds later. "B-breakfast should b-be here soon."

Syk took it as challenge to get Adam to eat something. He eventually ate three small pancakes but left the water untouched. Syk thought it would be fine since the IV was feeding Skinner enough water and nutrients. Adam's hand had a grip on the one thing keeping him alive, the IV. His life was quite literally, in his hands. To his annoyance, the nurse never left. Everytime he looked away, Adam quickly started to pull it out, but Syk always looked back.


Adam thought about the nurse's name.
But, there's no way. Sykkuno was never interested in the medical field. It's just a look alike, It's just a look alike. Or is it? No. It isn't! There's no way!

But his cute face and soft delicate hands that ran along his cold wrist as he replaced the IV, made him think of Sykkuno's touch. How they cuddled on cold days. How Sykkuno made bacon and eggs and maybe some pancakes at 8:00AM everyday. How they went to a flower field every now and then. How they streamed together and Sykkuno blurred out his face. Sykkuno and his friends were the only ones that ACTUALLY respected his privacy. And, Adam fucked that all up. He fucked it all up. Why did he have to cheat? The last three years were the most pain he ever experienced. He watched Sykkuno's streams everyday. He watched every new Youtube video. He liked every tweet with an anonymous account and left comments. And just last night, he tried to end it. But, rae decided to walk in on him and take him to THIS hospital. Why this one? Why the one Sykkuno probably works at? Sykkuno walked up to Adam's bed. The delicate hand met the cold veiny hand.
"H-hey... I know we d-d-don't know each other that we-ell... B-but I-i p-promise to m-make ev-v-verything better, o-okay?" The boy pulled up the chair from behind him and sat down in it and laid his head on the two boy's resting hands.
The stuttering and the comforting reminded him of Sykkuno.

"Oh god, what have I done?"

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