H ( 002 )

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quick a/n: when sykkuno refers to his and corpse's relationship, he refers to him as corpse but when he's referring to his patient, he goes by adam.

Sykkuno picked up his head and said,
"You r-r-really remind m-m-me of som-m-meone." And surprisingly, the corpse talked for the first time,
"M-m-my ex b-boyfriend..." Sykkuno was gonna continue but he trailed his words off.
"What did he look like? What was his name?" Adam was curious.
"A-ah... H-he was v-very tall... Around 6'0 He h-had p-perfect fluf-fy hair... H-he made music. A-and h-he made f-fun of me b-because it was too i-intense for me. W-we d-dated for two y-years. A-and, t-then he c-cheated on me... B-but," Sykkuno started to ramble about his boyfriend. How they streamed together, how their friends shipped them, how when Sykkuno laughed and covered his mouth, his boyfriend would pull it off of his face, their small moments together, how they met through a killing game, almost giving Adam too much details.
"S-sorry If i-i was r-rambling too long" Adam didn't mind Sykkuno talking. The story reminded him of his and Sykkuno's relationship. But it was a mere coincidence. There's plenty of gay streamers.
"No no! It's okay. You can tell me more stuff. I could listen for hours" His deep voice and slight tiredness made his voice very raspy when talking, but, he still managed to get sentences out.
And with that, Sykkuno's face lit up. He rambled on and on about how he got into the medical field, him and Adam's relationship, their streams together and many more things.
"Wait, what was your boyfriend's name?"
"Ahaha- Funny y-you mention i-it. Erm, his name was... uh... He actually never told me..."
"Oh, interesting"
Sykkuno was internally sweating when he said that. He was avoiding that exact question. Sykkuno glanced at the tattoo every now and then.
"Hey, if you don't mind, could you show me pictures of him?"
"O-oh yeah. H-he doesn't show his face, B-but I c-can show you f-fanart?"
"Y-yeah. H-he's a youtuber. yeah, i-it's weird, i-i know."
"I'll see some. Fanart is sick." Sykkuno's energy almost gave Adam motivation to get up and get going and get him out of his depressing state. Sykkuno pulled up pictures of fanart of them together, making sure none of them had "Corpse Husband" in it.
"T-this is all before we were dating."
Adam smiled. This was Sykkuno. Yup, he knew it. But, Adam thought it would be rude to say that. Especially after he cheated on him and broke his heart.
"What was his youtube name?"
Sykkuno stayed quiet.
"S-sorry, b-but I-i don't f-feel c-comfortable s-sharing that."
"It's okay" Adam said as he squeezed Sykkuno's hand. Adam enjoyed the boy's stories along with the stutters and shyness. He told the stories about his boyfriend in great detail and it made him think of Sykkuno. Sykkuno told many stories about his childhood to Corpse and many other things when they were dating. Despite being a mess, Adam thought as if he was on top of the world when he was talking to his nurse. As soon as Sykkuno stopped talking, he apologized for rambling. Adam said he didn't need to apologize. He enjoyed talking to him. Sykkuno stood up from the chair and put it back where it was and sat down in his spinning computer chair. He signed into the hospital's computer with his nurse account and opened up Adam's profile. He asked some simple questions,
"H-hey, w-what's your l-last name, date of-f b-birth, and a-age?"
"Skinner, August 8th, 23." Sykkuno quickly typed in the words as he spoke and it opened up his symptom chart and many other things. Including his x-ray, wound marks, and causes of injuries. Sykkuno grabbed a clipboard that was sitting on the desk next to him and jotted a note down,
"Pulled out IV" He put his pen down and wrote the note onto the "NOTES" section of the profile for Adam.
"Uhm,, Excuse m-me, M-m-mr. Skinner, I'm h-having a-another n-n-nurse to c-come w-watch you. I-i h-have to do s-something..."
The half alive, messy, unkept corpse nodded. Sykkuno left the room and took a deep breath. He walked over to one of the nurses on this floor. Her name was Mary Stabilo. Sykkuno quietly spoke to her,
"Hey Mary, can I get you in room 405?"
"Will do!" Mary said happily. Sykkuno adored Mary. They were close friends before his whole streamer business took off and she stayed by Sykkuno's side all through it. She always went to Sykkuno's house every  day for three weeks after the breakup. They went to college together and got hired at the same hospital. Sykkuno trusted Mary with his whole heart so that's why his stutter goes away when talking. His stutter also went away when he was with Corpse, but not anymore.
Mary entered room 405 and introduced herself. Adam had remembered his nurse talking about this Mary girl. Back when he streamed, he thought that Sykkuno and Mary were dating, and it gave him a sense of jealousy and envy.
Mary sat down in the chair where Sykkuno once sat. Her fast fingers typed in her password and Adam's information. Adam rolled his eyes, wondering when he would leave this hospital. Mary clicked a button and the printer made some noises and a piece of paper slipped out onto the tray. Mary picked it up and attached it to her clipboard. The shy sunlight peaked through the curtains, illuminating the room with a soft gold. Adam did his best to peak at the girl's paper. They seemed to be body x-rays. More specifically his, but that was only a guess.

(this is inspired from the song green by cavetown)

Sykkuno walked down the halls, to his hospital mailbox. There were letters, documents, bills, and advertisements. He skimmed through the pile and one letter stood out to him.

"Adam Skinner
12345 Ave E San Diego, California. 92102"
The small stamp read. He put down the pile and picked out the letter.
A letter from my own patient? From my old apartments address? Weird...
Sykkuno peeled the envelope open. The ripping paper noises pierced his ears. Despite it being quiet, the sound from the paper made his ears ring. A crisply folded piece of paper was in the envelope. The black ink peered through the thin white paper slightly. It seemed that it was handwritten. As Sykkuno unfolded it, he cringed at the thought of what this letter could be about.
He shut his eyes, scared to even read it. Why was this giving him so much anxiety? He opened his eyes and read the letter, carefully, not skipping a word.

Dear Sykkuno,

You looked so good in green
I hope you're well
And I'm proud of you still
Take care of my sweatshirt
Warm and red
I hope you think of me
Still as your friend
I hope you love yourself
Your body and heart
I hope you feel happy
That's all I want.

The small smiley face at the end of the letter made his heart hurt. He folded the paper and placed it in his pocket and threw the envelope away. He walked out of the lounge and took a deep breath, heading his way back to room 405. Where his previous lover awaited.

(can you guess the word i'm spelling with the title?. ;))

𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 #147 ,, corpskkunoWhere stories live. Discover now