O ( 003 )

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a/n: the snake, the poison, and the knife you read about in this chapter are huge metaphors for this book. pay attention to the segment about the snake, and take it as you will. also, italic text usually refers to a flashback, depending on the context. UH ENJOY!

Sykkuno sits and stares at the note, repeating the words inside his head, over and over.
I hope you feel happy,
I hope you feel happy,
I hope you feel happy.
His words stab Sykkuno in the back, a feelings he's felt before.

"No! That's not funny dude! Leave me alone!"
"You're so soft! It was a joke, dumbass."
"B-but why would you make fun of me... for that? I can't control it."
"Puh-lease. You're so sensitive."
"B-b-" I'm cut off by his sharp words that stab me in the back.
"Listen here, bitch boy. Loosen up!" He grabs me by the collar, like a dog. I try to spit out some words, but the knot in my stomach grows too big for me to choke out anything. He drops me down, and continues.
"You are so sensitive to shit! Like IM JOKING! Oh my god! If you keep this up, he can't be friends anymore."
His words are like a sharp knife, being stabbed into your chest, and being pulled out seconds later, the blood seeping everywhere on everything.
He stares me down as I run into the school, almost tripping over air, I walk as fast as I can to the only empty classroom in the high school.
I sit down in a desk and

My friend, the snake, returns.
The snake slithers down my chest and curls up in my stomach.
It fills me with dread and bites at my insides.
I sit paralyzed.
It's poison seeps into my blood,
into my head and thoughts.
My hands shake and I gasp.
My every being is occupied with unwanted feelings and heavy weight.
I don't like the snake (yet I keep my doors unlocked.)
He still comes back next time (why do I feel relieved?)
His venom stains my veins.
I sit in silence.
As my breath returns to its normal breathing pattern,
The snake leaves
As if nothing ever happened.
But the poison,
and it stays,
leaving me feeling sick
and confused
and weak.
The poison hurts, but the snake is oddly comforting.

a/n: SORRY THIS IS A/N RUINS THE VIBE BUT- i'm sorry this is really short i've been working on this snake poem for a week and trying to fit it into this story- um my poetry is r u s t y but i'm rlly proud of this one- KAY BYE

𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 #147 ,, corpskkunoWhere stories live. Discover now