;Fine But Not Pretty

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Someone once said I had knobbly knees
So I don't have my legs out as much as I'd please
I don't like my ears, or my round chubby cheeks
It's a long, random list of insecurities

I like the length of my hair, but I don't like the frizz
My forehead's too big so I cut me a fringe
I can't wear crop tops or low waisted jeans
Is it strange I don't like how my wrists always crease?

I hate how my voice isn't that feminine
I like my eyebrows, I guess, but only filled in
My lips are alright - not full but not thin
I like my eyes but I don't like my chin

I don't like how the veins stand out on my feet
I don't like my eyebags and my arms are too chubby
My skin is too pale, my elbows too sharp
I don't like the way that I walk, talk, or laugh

I don't like the mole by the bolt of my jaw
I don't like my bellybutton and the welts in my pores
I hate my muffin top and my rolls when I sit
And my arse is too flat for me to be fit

There are always calcium spots under my nails
My nose is fine, but my jawline fails
I hate how my skin will never be clear
I wish the red patches would just fucking disappear

I hate the hair on my arms, the fact I'm not slim
See, I'm not fat, but I'm also not thin
The way I look from the side will never be a win
Because I hate how my waist just doesn't curve in.

The shape of my face will never be pleasing
I'm fine, but not pretty, not that appealing
A thousand things that I wish could change
But I have to accept them, 'cause they'll always be that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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