Part 5

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The next day our family decides to come for a visit. They don't live far, yet they didn't yet come to see Adele and I's apartment. My Mom is very into things being tidy, so I make sure that everything is in order before they arrive, so she can't guilt-trip me.

Adele and I happily greet both sets of parents and, of course, her twin siblings.

"Adriana!" they squeal and simultaneously hug me. I hug them back.

Adele doesn't look too happy about it. For some reason, her siblings always seem to prefer me over her, though they still love her plenty.

"It's so nice to see everyone."

"You too, honey," my Dad kisses me on the top of my head, and I can't help but smile.

"Nice place you have here," Aunt Terry says

We give our family a tour of our cozy apartment. We bump into each other a few times in such close quarters. The tour doesn't take long.

In my room, my Mom points to a jewel-encrusted sea horse I have on my dresser top. It's green and sentimental. I was very close to my grandmother, and she promised I would get the seahorse one day. I always loved it. I pick it up and finger it.

"She would be happy you have it with you." My Mom whispers in my ear and hugs me. My mother doesn't give hugs much, and when she gives me one, I melt into it.

The moments over as we head back into the living room. "So, what should we do now?" Uncle Cole asks

"Why don't we go out for dinner?" My Mom suggests

"Works for me," Aunt Terry replies

So, we all swim out together and to Shrimp Palace.


This Saturday, Adele's brother, Leon, has a soccer game. Our family takes the games very seriously, and we all wear cropped shirts that say Go Lionfish!

We all pile into the bleachers and wait for the game to start. I spot Leon, and I wave at him. He gives me a thumbs up.

"Hello Adriana," none other than Evan sits beside me. His silver eyes twinkle in the dwindling light.

"Hi Evan." I haven't interacted with him since the day in the park, "what brings you here?"

"My brother Carter is playing," he points to a boy who floats beside Leon, and the resemblance is uncanny.

"Funny, the boy he's talking to is my cousin Leon, or Adele's brother."

Adele peeks her head out from the other side of me. It seems I'm always caught in the middle. "My brother is going to cream yours."

Evan laughs, "they are on the same team."

"Right," she mutters and turns away.

Everyone gets into the position, and the game begins. Its tiger fish versus lionfish.

The tigers score the first point— causing the other side of the bleacher's cheer.

Shelly, Adele's sister, and the other young girls on the cheer squad shout out an encouraging cheer, trying to rally their team's spirits.

Leon whacks the ball into the net and Adele, and I stand up and cheer.

In the end, the lionfish win. Lions are king. 

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