Part 9

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Because Mathew was so satisfied with our capture of Felix, he invites us to join him in the interrogation room. It's my first time stepping inside, and the air is cold. Of course, the room is glass and soundproof, but it feels like I'm seeing this room for the first time. It's a very significant event, and I can feel the tension like a thick cloud.

Before they bring Felix in, Mathew explains that the interrogation always follows a particular pattern. Easy recall questions first and moving into more severe and direct inquiries. The goal is to get the person talking.

Two officers bring in Felix. He looks both the same and different than the picture Mathew showed us of him. His blue eyes look sad and lifeless, and the emotion mars his handsome face. His typically styled hair flops into his eyes as he sits in the basic grey chair opposite Mathew, Adele, and I. Mathew motions for the two officers to wait right outside with a swish of the hand.

"How are you feeling?" Mathew asks. He's trying to build rapport.

"I guess as good as I can be in the custody of the police." Felix shrugs. The words could have been laden with attitude, but instead, they're laced with tiredness.

Mathew nods. "So, I hear you brought Adriana here to the employee lounge." Straightforward facts and questions. He's moved to stage two.

"She didn't lie."

"That's good. We can't tolerate lying, can we?"

Silence follows, and Mathew clears his throat. "Is it true you were untangling a rope in the presence of Adriana here?" He points to me, and Felix's eyes meet mine momentarily.

"Yes, sir."

"What did you plan to do with the rope?"

"I was forming a plan in my mind, but then Adriana decided to knock me out."

"That she did. I'm sure though you didn't gravitate towards the rope for no reason, so what were you thinking at the time?"

"That it would be useful to have rope available."

"Are you accustomed to using a rope?"

"At times."

Mathew kept trying, but after another hour and change, I can tell his patience was dwindling. Felix's answers were as vague as ever, and Mathew decided it was time to break.

"Are you hungry, Felix?" He asks kindly, and Felix's stomach grumbles on cue.

"I'd love some blowfish soup."

"I'm on it. We'll be back soon."

Mathew sends one of the employees to get the soup that Felix requested from the corner store.

I decide to make myself a coffee using the office's espresso machine. I need to stay alert.

I see an unexpected face holding a mug of steaming coffee. And not just any mug, Mr. Fishdom's chipping mug. For some reason, he won't let anyone buy him a new one.

"Evan?" I finally manage to question

"Hi, Adriana."

"What are you doing here?"

"He's my nephew." Mathew says by way of response and takes the mug from Evan with a thank you, "do you know him?"

"Yeah, from school. I had no idea you two were related."

"I didn't expect you too," Mathew says bluntly as he walks away.

"So, are you like working here now?" I politely ask Evan

"Yeah. My Uncle thinks it's a good opportunity for me to get involved in the UWD. But he wants me to start from the bottom. I'm in charge of making coffees until my Uncle gives me a more important job."

"Coffee is important," Mathew yells from across the room, and I wonder how he could've heard our conversation. "And Adrianna, we are going back in now."

"So, I'll see you around," I tell Evan as I grab my now ready coffee in a cheap to-go cup.

Evan waves me off, and I follow Mr. Fishdom to begin the second attempt at getting Felix to talk. I hope this time it will be more successful.

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