Part 7

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"I know what we should do after school today," Adele says as we swim to school.

"And what's that?"

"Shopping!" She claps excitedly

"What for?"

"Clothes to wear to the club, of course," she says in a voice that implies I'm slow, "we have to look good if we are going to catch Felix's attention."

A boy who is said to resemble Felix has been hanging out by the most popular club under the sea- Urchin Lights, and we are to go and assess the situation.

"Okay," I give in as we make our way to our first lesson.

"Can't wait," she grins.


We head into Glimmer, our favorite clothing and accessory store in our sector. We immediately go to the racks of tops to sort through. It only takes me a couple of minutes to find the top I know is perfect- it is a dark silver halter crop top with an edging of colorful beads.

As I'm heading to the dressing room, I bump into Evan.

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

"Just looking around."

I just raise a brow but don't question further, "okay, enjoy."

After I put on the top, I call Adele over, "it's perfect," she compliments

Adele chooses a long top that accents the shoulder and is covered in blue gemstones. She also chooses a matching forehead band.

"That will be 120 seacoins." The fellow behind the counter pitches

"Um, that's a lot. Any chance you can give it to us at a better price?"

"If you do something for me, yes," he leans forward.

"What is it?"

"Get me that guy's number," he points to Evan.

I gulp. "No problem," and I swim over to Evan.

"Hello again," he says when he sees me.

"Hi," I reply, "I need to ask you something."


"Can I have your number?"

Evan smirks.

"Oh, it's not for me," I inform him. I turn around and point to the guy behind the counter. "It's for him."

"Okay." Evan shrugs and rattles off his digits.

"Thanks. See you around."

Back at the counter, I give him Evan's digits. He is smart and calls it to confirm I gave him an accurate number. A satisfied smile stretches across his face.

"That will be 70 seacoins."

"Thanks so much," I say honestly as I hand him the money.

"Thank you, and enjoy your clothes. Come back again soon." He waves us off, and we head back to our apartment.


The weekend comes quickly, and I am both anxious and excited. I really hope we don't blow this. The closer the time approaches, the more nervous I become. As I'm bathing before getting dressed to go, I review my role in my head for the umpteenth time. I think it's safe to say that Adele and I are the most prepared we can possibly be. Now it's just a matter of putting it into action.

As a means of extra precaution, Adele and I enter Urchin Lights separately. I'm dressed to the nine and covered in fake jewels to capture Felix's attention. Mathew and his team spent time determining the right amount of jewelry to be flashy yet not overdone.

Wasting no time, I head over to the bar and sit on one of the few empty stools. I take a moment to admire the pearl and purple décor. I don't come here often, but each time I do, I feel I notice another layer that went into creating the most well-known and attended club under the sea.

I tap my fingers impatiently against the smooth stone countertop. I know that Adele is somewhere behind me, mingling in the crowd.

"Name's Fredrick," a merman dressed as a bartender greets me, "what can I get you."

I look into bright blue eyes that glint under the flashing, colorful lights, and I can see right under his façade. "What do you recommend?"

"The tequila sunrise is a popular choice. Want to give it a try?"


A few minutes later, Fredrick hands me a beautiful looking drink with an orange gradation. "Enjoy it," he flashes a toothy and flirtatious grin.

I take a hesitant first sip, and I'm pleasantly surprised at how good it is. It's both strong and sweet.

"What do you think?" Fredrick's eyes are glued to my hand that is wrapped around the glass. I wear on it a big onyx ring that is sure to catch one's attention.

"It's lovely," I say

Fredrick snickers. "That is a response I don't hear."

He walks over to help someone else, and I bide my time, taking careful sips from the tequila sunrise. I need to fit in, but I can't afford to get drunk.

It feels as though I am sitting there for eternity. I was strongly considering getting up and going when Fredrick slides into the seat beside me.

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