Chapter 6: Midnight Visit

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Thinking on his feet, Aizawa snatched the stroller from Hizashi and hissed, "I'll hide with him in the back. Cover up any trace of the baby as fast as your can. Get. Her. Out of here!"

Hizashi could only nod, still gasping from his frantic sprint. Aizawa wheeled the stroller and Hitoshi into the nursery, closing the door behind him as swiftly and silently as possible. Hitoshi, obviously confused about the whole situation, began to fuss and squirm in his stroller seat. Aizawa unbuckled and moved to cradle the baby, shushing him softly.

"I know, I know. It's no fun being here in the dark. It's alright... I'm right here. Just settle down now..."

Outside the room, Aizawa could hear the muffled sounds of Mic racing around the living room and the louder sound of Nemuri banging on the door like she intended to break it down any second. Knowing her, she just might.

"Of all the people to run into, why did it have to be Midnight?" Aizawa muttered under his breath, gently bouncing the fussing baby in his arms. Although she was a kind soul and good friend to them, Aizawa knew Nemuri was temperamental at the best of times. She also had a low tolerance for deception and should she find out they'd been lying to her about their secret mission...

Shouta shuddered at the thought. He opened one of the dresser drawers, produced a blue pacifier, and popped it into the Hitoshi's mouth, hoping that would be enough to muffle him until his husband could get Midnight to leave.


As Hizashi scrambled to hide the toys and baby supplies scattered around the house, he could hear Nemuri's knocking become more insistent, angrier by the minute.

"MIC!" She practically screamed from the other side, "If you don't open this door RIGHT NOW..."

Mic shoved the last of the toys under the sink before taking a deep breath and opening the door to a very red-faced Miss Midnight, arm raised in a fist obviously poised to start knocking again.

"Nemuri!" He exclaimed, as casually as he could muster. "This is a surprise. What brings you—"

"Zip it, Motormouth. This isn't a surprise and you know it." Nemuri interjected, brow furrowed in annoyance and her hands on her hips as she glared up at him.

Mic felt himself flinch slightly at the name but steeled his nerves.

"Yo! Why you gotta be so rude? You show up at my house and start throwing around insults like they're on-air shoutouts? That ain't right! I have half a mind to not let you in here."

"Well then I guess I'm taking advantage of the other half." Midnight snapped as she pushed her way past him. Kicking off her running shoes, she scanned the room with her cerulean orbs, clearly searching for something.

"Awfully quiet in here... Shouta not home?"

"Uhhhh no... he's out doing hero work. On a mission, ya know."

"Is that right?" Nemuri quipped before spinning on her heel to face him. "I remember Nezu said something like that. He said you two were given a 'special assignment' by the Hero Commission and needed to leave work for a while. Sound familiar?"

Mic gulped and gave a nervous laugh, reaching a hand up to scratch the back of his neck.

"Uh, yeah! That's the mission Shou's working on right now. Man, you've got a sharp memory, Midnight! Always could count on that when we were in school. Why I remember—"

Nemuri held up a hand to pause his ramblings.

"Cut the bullshit, Mic. If you and Eraser are actually doing top secret work, that's all fine and dandy. As a fellow pro, it's not my business to pry for details when it comes to stuff like that. But tell me..."

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