Chapter 21: Picnic Playdate

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• One (and 1/2) Year Later •

"Hitoshi will you please hold still?" Shouta pleaded, getting his fingers stepped on for the fourth time that day. "I know you're excited, but we're not going anywhere until you get your shoes on!"

The two-year-old stopped bouncing and stomping around momentarily, barely giving Shouta enough time to finish strapping down the Velcro on his sneakers.

"When we going?" Hitoshi asked, cutely cocking his head to one side as he watched his father work.

"We would have been out the door ten minutes ago if you'd cooperated with me." Aizawa thought to himself. He had half a mind to say it aloud but, thinking better of himself, he settled on, "We'll leave as soon as Papa's ready, buddy. Why don't you go check on him?"

Hitoshi nodded and raced out of his bedroom with a squeal, on a frantic hunt for Mic. He found the blonde in the master bedroom, tying up his hair and giving himself a final once-over in the mirror. Hitoshi ran at him full speed, practically vibrating with excitement as he tackled his legs with a cry of "Papa!"

Thrown slightly off balance, Mic teetered where he stood, accidentally pulling his own hair and making him yelp in pain and surprise. He quickly righted himself and looked down at the smiling little boy clinging to his jeans.

"Woah there, bud! You know there's a "no running in the house" rule. Don't want to fall and get a boo-boo, ya dig me?"

"Sorry, Papa!"

Hizashi gave a good-natured chuckle and patted his son's head with a confirmation of, "I forgive you, ya little monkey. Now did you need something?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Hitoshi jumped up and down as he pointed towards the door.

"We go! Play with Zuzu!"

Hizashi smirked and resumed putting his hair up, forgoing anything elaborate and opting for a simple ponytail.

"You're really jazzed about your big playdate with Izuku, aren't you?"

Hitoshi didn't respond beyond another high pitched squeal, preferring to simply bounce while tugging on Mic's pant leg in an effort to make him go faster. With a final twist of the tie, Mic's hair was secure and he let the impatient tyke lead him to the front door. Shouta was already standing there, capture weapon around his neck and diaper bag on his shoulder.

"I left out some food and water for the cat. Everybody else ready to go?"

"Looks like it! Didja remember to pack lunch?"

Aizawa silently gestured to a wrapped box in the bottom compartment of the stroller. Hizashi grinned in return.

"Alrighty then! C'mon rockstar, let's get you in the stroller. Put your hands up!"

Hitoshi happily stretched up both arms so Mic could snag him under the armpits and deposit him in the seat. As soon as he was buckled in, he looked around and asked, "Catsie?"

"Right here." Shouta said, handing over the beloved black cat plush. At his age, Hitoshi couldn't quite say "Cat Stevens" so the toy had been rechristened to "Catsie." Hitoshi had also insisted Catsie was a girl, because Mizuki (or "Kiki" as he called her) was a girl.

"Fankyoo!" Hitoshi said cutely, hugging his toy.

"You're welcome, Toshi. I already texted Inko that we're on our way over. Now let's get going before we lose anymore daylight."


The park they'd agreed to meet at was only a short train ride away, just a few blocks from the Midoriya's apartment complex. Hitoshi had babbled and bounced for almost the entire trip, constantly asking questions and voicing observations about everything around him. He only ceased his interrogation when Hizashi offered up an apple slice for him to munch on. Once they reached their station, the trio set off down the sidewalk, keeping an eye open for their green-haired friends. It was a perfectly gorgeous spring day: cloudless and sunny, with a gentle breeze keeping the temperature cool and comfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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