Author's Note

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Dear Reader,

        I welcome you to what is literally my oldest WIP ever. The story you are about to read has been tweaked and developed since I was in first grade -- I am now in ninth. The names of the characters, their aliases, and even the story in general has changed countless times, and each time I feel that the change is for the better. Since the original outline, I have added three new girls onto the team and have tweaked powers slightly as I see fit. Yet there is one thing that never changes: the basis for my characters.

        Each of the eight main characters (only seven of which appear in this book; the last will be introduced in book two) are modelled after someone close to me who has influenced my life in one way or another. Indeed, one of these characters is me; the struggles Kimberly goes through are very much like problems I have gone through in my short lifetime. Three of the girls who inspired a character have since moved away, and I am no longer in contact with two of these, sadly enough. However, I pray that someday they find this and know that I'm thinking about them, and that my love for them has never ceased.

        That being said, I will gladly introduce you to three of the girls behind the characters who are with me on this site. My second-in-command is the one who encouraged me (or more like, begged me) to post this story, so if you enjoy this brainchild of mine, I suggest you thank her, because without her, it likely would not have been posted for a long time. That girl is the real Natalie Johnson; you can find her @blueLevi. Also, I encourage you to also acquaint yourself with the real Roman Porter, your stereotypical teenage girl named Jojo (@jordoniscool5). Last but not least is @Candace1209, the real Lydia Clark. Despite what she says, she is every bit as ditsy as Lydia. (Love you, Candypants! xD)

        Every aspect of this story is carefully executed in order to accurately portray each character. Many events are metaphorical or fantastical versions of real situations, and this is why I hold this story so dear. I has taken a lot of self-convincing to share this tale, as I feel it's almost a private element of my life, but perhaps you will find some joy in this.

        All I ask is that as you read this piece, remember that this entire world was created by a six-year-old lucid dreamer in her nighttime fantasies and that her fourteen-year-old self still revisits this world regularly.

        And every element remains etched in her mind when she awakens.

Happy Reading,

Luna Dementia

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