Chapter Two: Genius

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Updates on this book are going to be highly irregular. I'll try not to make you guys wait too long, but, as stated in the A/N, this world means a lot to me. I'm trying to keep this as satisfying as possible for myself while not waiting anyone wait excruciatingly long. Now, without further ado, I present "Genius."


         I did not rest easy that night. Perhaps the only reason was our travelling over bumpy, unpaved road and making our own at times, but I later decided that was an overly optimistic thought line. My sudden bout of insomnia had nothing to do with the irregular travel patterns of my paranoid parents; they had everything to do with what I had just overheard.

        How bad can it be, you ask? Well, you know how people say the last thing to cross your mind before you drift off to sleep is what you dream about? And that your dreams will be more vivid the more intently you were thinking those thoughts? Yeah, well, imagine the state I was in after hearing what I had heard. Not very appealing for a tiresome teenager.

[Spoiler Alert for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]

        It made me wonder how Harry Potter slept the night after Hagrid told him he was a wizard. If there was any mercy in JKR's world, he wouldn't have slept half as bad as me. Then again, sometimes I really question that woman's tactics... She killed Dobby! I wanted to kill her for that! Oh, who am I kidding? I love that woman!

[End of Spoilers]

        Obsessions aside, the conversation my mother and father had had truly disturbed me. I know it would probably disturb any girl in her right mind, but still, somehow I believe it disturbed me far worse than it would've anyone else. My dreams were woven with vicious ravens, torturous migraines, and worst of all, my parents in Spandex. Yikes. Talk about a scarred childhood.

        As can be expected, I was unvoicably relieved when I finally awoke to the brightening sky, the sun beginning to peer out from beyond the horizon. I yawned and stretched, for once not even trying to go back asleep upon my primary awakening; I was too scared of what my dreams had in store for a flabbergasted prodigy. Without meaning to sound too egoistic, my mind was exceptional; who knew what I could dream up?

        "Well, look who's decided to wake up," a voice tutted from up front.

        I looked up, surprised to see Dad in the driver's seat and my up-before-the-sun mother out cold in the passenger seat. "You're driving?" I asked, suddenly wishing I was still asleep with my nightmares instead of living this horror. "This early in the morning? You? The king of the snooze button?"

        Dad chuckled to himself, smirking at me in the rearview mirror. "I didn't have much of a choice," he admitted with a shrug of his shoulders. "Your mother practically fell asleep behind the wheel. I only noticed when she accidentally changed the radio station with the buttons on the steering wheel."

        Confusion crossed my features. "But you always sleep with music on," I protested. "It shouldn't have bothered you!"

        It was then my father gave me a very serious look in the rearview mirror. "Yes," he agreed without hesitation "I do. But I never listen to rap unless I'm trying to make you uncomfortable." A grin adorned his face. "Speaking of which..."

        Before I knew what was happening, my complete bastard of a father had flipped the radio channels from my precious country music to -- you guessed it -- a damned rap station. I groaned in exasperation as he began jamming along with the man spitting random words out of the radio. How is this even music? And why is my dad dancing? Isn't he supposed to be--

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