Dream Diary

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Chapter 4:
Dear diary,
The mist has now surrounded the streets, it's purple aura frightening away the morning birds away leaving the woods and streets devoid of song now but yet something has replaced it.
The Priest from our Church has gone mad and locked himself away constantly shouting to any passing ear, that the devil has come but I disagree.
I have lost faith in God a long time ago when my sister got locked away and beaten and tortured till the day she died.
It's been 5 years since my last encounter with the shadow but the moment I saw the mist, I instinctively knew there was a connection.
Rumours round the block say that if one walks into the mist, they find themselves accompanied by the dead which in my view, would be an honour to experience as the living fruitlessly exist nowadays with no excitement, joy or dreams because of fear whilst the deceased have nothing to fear and all the time to fantasize and truly "live".
Earlier today I was kicked out by my own family, but I'm not surprised.They like everyone else smiled like angels when they accused me of been a wicked, vulgar thing that always kept asking. Mankind always does two things with the peculiar or unknown, lock it away like my sister or destroy it like they did to women when they burnt them during the witch hunts.
I was kicked out because I pointed out the insanity of those who seem themselves normal but now I remember those vague words that echoes in my mind as I approach the purple mist.
When am I?
I hear strange wonderful singing emitting from the mist, the words sweet and delightful, uplifting my sombre melancholy mood.
" accidentally in love" the singing repeated every now and then.
I hum to the joyful time as I pass through the mist, I wonder what will await me, I hope I meet the shadow again and can learn more to answer their enigma.
Lisa Dream.
Chapter 5:
I arrive in an open space, a plain white room filled with broken glass and strange silver pyramid shaped devices that hovered in the empty space as it they were frozen in ice, not moving an inch.
Suddenly, a loud whirring noise to my left alerted me to one of the pyramid shaped devices but unlike the rest, this was a golden colour.
It moved towards me slowly and started whirring louder as it started projecting from a small camera, the figure of a woman with short hair in a labcoat.
It was difficult to tell of any detail like the colour of their hair or eyes as the holographic projection was a shade of white and blue but based on the shape of her face, jawline and eyes, I assumed she was black or mixed face by ethnicity.
Text frantically appeared next to the figure, my eyes had to squint at the unfocused text to understand the message but when I finished I was not only dumbfounded but terrified and intrigued by the mystery.
It seemed I was in the future, the year 2045 to be exact and this old recording recalled the reappearance of similar events that happened in Huddersfield from where/when I came from but now it had spread on a global scale.
Then more unusual activities begun, solar systems and constellations disappeared from space, unusual creatures and plants resembling that of extinct living brings started popping up and purple lightening storms destroyed entire cities and countries even.
But the most shocking from the recording made by Dr Janewell was that the universe was beginning to fear itself and like my believes seemed to be concluded that this was been caused by some quantum imbalance or force, in other words that time travel or a paradox was breaking up reality but no one could figure out if this was the result of a man made interference or natural phenomenon.
I crouch down on the glass filled floor as I put my head in my hands as I processed the information, it seemed that people went insane and commited violent riots and crimes in their fear and uncertainty.
The world was quiet from where I was, no cars along the highway, no people chatting to their online friends just the sort whirring of the silver pyramid shaped devices, what did they hold? I wondered to myself as I slowly got up and approached one.
It opened up as soon as I was a centimetre away from it and showed me names....
Names of various people and machines that went through the mist, holes and gateways but never came back.
I nervously look behind me to shockingly realize the hole I came through was closed leaving me trapped here.
Why here and why did I hear my mothers voice if I ended up in the future?
A loud crack vibrates beneath my feet and I buckle as The ground beneath me collapses taking me down yet another hole but this time I hear the ticking of an old Grandfather clock, if this was when/where I think it was taking me then there could be some hope of an answer.

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