Dream Diary

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Chapter 6:
Dear diary,
As I entered the mist, I was instantly surrounded by purple figures that looked just like the shadow, they move slightly back away from me as one comes closer to me.
It was them, the one I and my sister and perhaps my mother was many times.
They approached me in a sorrowful manner and one by one, pressed their fingers against their necks which caused a hissing sound as their heads were revealed.
Yes, they had strange things around their ears and head along with small coloured rectangular boxes with voices and singing coming out of them but they were people.
Women, men, children and elderly wrapped up in strange clothes, wires and other curiosities.
An elderly dark skinned woman with a white long coat came to me and flashed a green light at my eyes from a pyramid shaped machine before gravely nodding her head to the others.
She then pressed her hands against my forehead and I saw something terrible but also confusing.
I remember screaming out loud and recouping from the strange people as I wept after seeing the saddening but peculiar event? Dream? Memory?
Whatever it was, I felt something terrible was amidst.
Lisa  Dream.
Chapter 7:
I read the sudden ink splash across the pages as it an invisible hand was writing the very pages I know read aloud to myself near a gaslit lantern.
What did she see, who were these people and was that woman the doctor we read about earlier?
I was unfamiliar with the dark streets encircling me with these dim lanterns and it seemed the ticking of the grandfather clock came from one of these old fashioned houses but it was so hard to tell from which one as the bell of a nearby church rang across the star lit night and empty streets which looked like the set of a Dr Who episode with its old fashioned buildings, pavement and fashion sense of the odd wanderer.
I sneak around cautiously putting my ear to each door till I hear something odd....
Was that the theme tune to Star wars playing?
Without thinking, I have in through the wooden door to be met by a purple figure with just surrounding them but also blood was spreading across the floor.
They were crouched next to a small television that looked like something from the 60s and I also noticed that a helmet with a puncture in the glass layed on the floor.
The theme kept playing, I tried to find a pulse on the person, it was a young man maybe 16 or younger but certainly a kid, their right eye was punctured by a protruding arrow.
There was so much blood, I could barely recognise any details apart from his other eye was brown and he had ginger hair.
Eventually, I came to the conclusion that they were dead and put on the suit, perhaps it along with its technology that looked similar to the future I visited could help me.
As soon as I put it, the mist engulfed me and I was suddenly greeted by recorded audio saying the following, origin of paradox located, prepare for time configuration and just like that I travelled in time again.
However, it was different this time, I saw the body I stripped decay into home and then dust as the houses broke down and the land it stood upon got rebuilt upon only to be replace by full grey buildings and towering glass buildings whilst the streets rioted and erupted in violence in the form of gangs, crime, hate.
Where was I going or rather when and what caused all this?
Strangely, an old saying my Grandmother repeated to me came to mind, curiosity killed the car but satisfaction brought it back.
To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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