Infiltrating the Asylum

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The next night the plan was a go. They dropped Harley off so she get captured and brought to Arkham. While Lawton was disguised as a typical guard escorting Harley into the main area to plant  device that would override Arkham's security to let the rest of the squad in. Shark was making his way through the sewers and water and the squad would meet up with him. Insider knowledge provided by Penguin stated that some chefs played Poker about this time, and Black Spider would knock one of them out and steal an outfit. Finally, Boomerang and (Y/N) was sneaking into the morgue. Frost was inside a bodybag that the two were escorting on a stroller. This was the plan Task Force X had to carry out. 

Boomer and (Y/N) arrived inside the morgue, a room lit by blue lights and a security camera trailing their movements. They came to two guards who were protected by a glass screen, one sat behind a monitor. 

"Where do you want her?" (Y/N) asked as he stopped in front of the shielded guards, pulling his cap down slightly and looking over a clipboard which had some papers provided by Penguin. 

"Send her through the X-Ray machine" the one behind the monitor spoke. And with a flick of (Y/N)'s hand, Boomer slowly moved the stroller towards the machine. The machine a huge cylinder machine, black inside, with blue neon lights on the front and back. And as the stroller slowly went through the machine, Frosts body showed up on the monitor. 

"Don't get much deader than that, this ones colder than ice" the one standing up commented. It were true to some extend, Frost's power allowed to her mask her body temperature and appear as if she were deceased. "Hey guys" the same asked straightening his back. "I got nothing in the system about accepting a new body" two guards armed with assault rifles then appeared from behind. Suspicious of the pair. "You know the rules I gotta phone it in". 

"She's dead" Boomer said, as he banged the body bag where Frost's head would be. (Y/N) glared daggers at Frost, feeling slightly protective over what about the previous night. "How much trouble could she be?" Boomer carried on. 

"Nothing goes in or out of Arkham without it being okayed. You sure don't have a surprise form on that board?" the guard asked (Y/N).

Who was flipping through the pages, it was graphs and generic papers, nothing that would help them. He just shrugged his shoulders, trying to look clueless so that maybe they'd let them through. 

"Gimme a sec I'll try and get ahold of the watch commander" the guard nervously told the pair as he picked up the office phone dialled the number. (Y/N) had this point was growing restless, if something were to happen, either the guards would kill them or Waller would. 

"Hey commander sorry to bother you sir but we have a situation here. Yeah two guys have shown up with a body that's not showing up on record, how should we proceed?" there was a long pause. Then, the man sitting at the desk pulled at the other guards arm motioning to the monitor, the guard on the phone looked at for a split second then turned back to the phone in his right hand. "Never mind just came through" the guard then hung up. 

"Bout time" Boomer sounded annoyed and anxious as he started to pull Frost's 'dead' body away. 

"Sorry to waste your time" (Y/N) said with a happy face as he joined Boomer. The two went through a pair of clean double doors and a operating room, with a doctor wearing your standard outfit and a pair of glasses. 

The two loaded the body into the operating table as another man dressed in a similar manner to the other glasses wearing man. The man with the glasses slowly took the stroller away. 

"Let's see what we got" the newel appears Doctor said as he unzipped the body bag. Frost's upper naked body was exposed to the doctor. The doctor's face grew one of a pervertedness and lust. His facial expressions changed however when Frost's eyes opened with a manila grin splattered on her face. 

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